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500 Years After Reformation, Many Protestants Closer to Catholics than Martin Luther
Pew finds less than half of Protestants in many countries believe both sola fide and sola scriptura.
Germans Are Welcoming Refugees as a Way to Honor Luther’s Legacy
Asylum seekers and immigrants are big part of the Reformation’s 500th anniversary in Germany.
Gleanings: July/August 2017
Important developments in the church and the world (as they appeared in our July/August issue).
Marriage Lessons from the Luthers
Katharina and Martin Luther lived 500 years ago, but they can teach us much about how to live well in our own modern-day marriages.
Lutherans Remember the Reformation Where Germany Committed Genocide
Lutheran World Federation assembles in Namibia for 500th anniversary of Martin Luther.
From Kuyper to Keller: Why Princeton’s Prize Controversy Is So Ironic
A former winner explains how the seminary honor that once brought the Reformed community together is now splitting it.
‘Grace Alone’ 500 Years Later
A Catholic perspective.
‘Grace Alone’: Luther Nails It
A Protestant responds to Catholic critiques of ‘Grace Alone.’
Reading the Reformation in 2017
Historians are still finding new things to say about Martin Luther and his movement.
500 Years After Luther, We Still Feel the Pressure to Be Justified
Luther's law/gospel insight is as brilliant as ever—especially in 21st century America.
The Illegal Cookout That Sparked the Swiss Reformation
Who would have thought that an unassuming plate of sausages could ignite a revolution?
Does Protestantism Need to Die?
Or to recover its riches? Two Protestant luminaries look at the legacy of the Reformation, 500 years later.
Anti-Semitic Sculpture Outside Luther's Church Creates Controversy
Protestant group seeking removal of Judensau carving before Reformation 500 encounters firm opposition.
Stop Snacking on ‘Scripture McNuggets’
A Bible expert diagnoses the bad habits that keep us from feasting on God’s Word.
Remembering David Steinmetz's Quest to Free the Church from Amnesia
How the legendary Reformation scholar sought to regain the church's identity from the past.
Was the Samaritan Woman Really an Adulteress?
We know her as sexually immoral. Her community would have known otherwise.
No Iota in Vain: Martin Luther’s ‘Great and Worthy Undertaking’
The reformer translated the New Testament in ten weeks—and with strong convictions.
Why You Can't Read Scripture Alone
Studying the Bible in light of the Great Tradition.
Top 10 Books on the Protestant Reformation
A Reformation Day list, picked by historians and theologians.
The Softer Face of Calvinism
Reformed theology is more irenic and diverse than you think, says theologian Oliver Crisp.

Top Story June 17, 2024

Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
It’s okay to mourn what’s lost without losing hope for what’s to come.

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