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Of Wardrobes and Potters
A story about faith and fairy tales.
A Jewel of a Writer
Bret Lott is a true-blue evangelical who writes literary fiction that New York takes seriously (and that Oprah loves).
The Compulsive Reader
What is this mania to reach the end of the book?
Dick Staub on the Star Wars Myth
Lucas's stories may have more in common with Hinduism than Christianity, but it's still True Myth, says the author of Christian Wisdom of the Jedi Masters.
Sacred Story
With the pen as his pulpit, George MacDonald used fiction to show the relevance of scriptural truth to the problems of his age.
Victorian Visionaries
George MacDonald's friends worked to reform society, challenge the church, and inspire the imagination.
Life and Religion Are One
George MacDonald embraced all experiences, both joys and hardships, as vehicles of grace—and inspired others to do the same.
Spectating As a Spiritual Discipline
For those who have eyes to watch, let them watch something more than highlight films.
What Do You Mean, 'Moral' Fiction?
John Gardner, Martin Amis, and the ethics of the novel.
Second-Best Kid Lit Ever
John Granger considers the Potter series the best thing since The Chronicles of Narnia.
Real Fantasy
The first installment in a new Tolkien-inspired series shows genuine promise.
A Christian Harry Potter?
Shadowmancer, Britain's hit fantasy novel, conjures darkness so the light will shine brighter.
Skillful Story-Telling
Bad Ground confirms W. Dale Cramer as a bright new voice in faith fiction
Telling Lies, Telling Stories
Lars Saabye Christensen's The Half Brother reveals imagination as escape.
C.S. Lewis, the Sneaky Pagan
The author of A Field Guide to Narnia says Lewis wove pre-Christian ideas into a story for a post-Christian culture.
Making Disciples by Sacred Story
Biblical storytelling conveys the realities of our faith better than almost any other form of communication.
The Amazingly Graced Life of John Newton
His was a tale of two lives, with God at the pivot point.
The First Battle For the Bible
A century after Christ's death, a literalist and a spiritualizer forced the church to choose how it would read the Scriptures it inherited from the Jews
Origen: Friend or Foe?
By turns bizarre and insightful, Origen's allegorical forays remain fascinating reading today.

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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