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In It for the Long Haul
Forget metrics. The pastor's job is to find success when it's invisible.
False Stop
Forced to resign, I thought my ministry was over. God had other plans.
Seeing Things
Pastors: Don't Gloat Over Ashley Madison
The adulterer you condemn may be in your pews.
Rest Is Not an Option
The dangerous effects of our fast-paced lives on ministry
Why 'Step Aside So the Church Can Find a Pastor to Grow It' Is a Bad Idea
Six reasons most small church pastors should stay, even if the numbers are static.
People Are Leaving for the Cool New Church! Now What?
Seven steps to help us rediscover our passion and stop comparing ourselves to others.
Why I Preach Grace-Filled Sermons
Your congregation needs rest, not a “to-do” list.
What Tommy Taught Me
Our church’s walk with a homeless man marked us indelibly.
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