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Innovative Churches Do This – Imitators Miss It
Don't copy the churches you admire. Learn from their principles. Then extend them into places that only your church can go.
Drawing Your Sermon
How sketching diagrams, images, and “cluster corners” enlivened my sermon prep.
The Raw Beauty of Giving God Our Second Best
Sometimes ‘God deserves our best’ can serve as a cover for our pride. God also wants our second best. And our worst. And everything in between.
The First Step to Sparking Innovation In a Stuck Church
Church leaders need to spark the creativity of innovative believers by figuring out how to say yes to their passion.
Coasting is Compromise: The Importance of Being a Proactive Church
Adapting to new methods to tell the old, old story may be our greatest defense against unbiblical compromise.
Why Successful Churches Aren’t Turning the World Upside-Down – But the Outcasts Might
Where are the Christian innovators who will put a dangerous passion for Jesus ahead of personal ministry success?
The Technophobe's Ministry Survival Guide
Simple ideas you can start today, regardless of church size or know-how.
Introducing Lent to Your Congregation
It starts with your example.
The Right Way to Do Church?
Let's stop looking for a one-size-fits-all way to do church. And stop insisting on it for others.
3 Ways Some Churches Grow Without Getting Bigger
Butts-in-the-seats growth is great. But it’s not going to happen for every church. That's never a reason to give up, coast along, or offer excuses.
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