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We Were Seduced by Power
Five pastors confess their temptations to manipulate, control, and cling to worldly significance.
Leave Me Alone So I Can Do Ministry!
When productivity replaces hospitality, we miss the point of pastoring.
When This Pastor Got Political
I thought a town hall meeting would be the perfect venue to fight for justice. I was oh-so-wrong.
People Aren't Projects
...and other lessons I learned as a rural pastor.
Personal Branding, Platform, and Pride-Management
Promoting the message of Christ―rather than ourselves.
3 Ways I’m Nurturing My Emotional Intelligence
A heart moved by the gospel will be stirred with empathy for others.
The Disturbing Temptations of Pastoring in Obscurity
Leaving the limelight didn’t heal my pride; it only disguised it.
When Moral Boundaries Become Incubators for Sin
The walls we build around our ministries can lull us into spiritual complacency.
The Problem with ‘Church, Submit to Your Pastor’
When pushing our agenda keeps us from empowering others, we miss the point of leadership.
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