Table Of Contents
September 11 1995, 1995
Volume 39, Number 10
September 11
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The CT archives are a rich treasure of biblical wisdom and insight from our past. Some things we would say differently today, and some stances we've changed. But overall, we're amazed at how relevant so much of this content is. We trust that you'll find it a helpful resource.
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The Surprising Works of God
Jonathan Edwards on revival, then and now.
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Gamaliel's Friendly Skepticism
Managing Editor
Ambassadors to the Gypsies
One church's vision to reach Bulgaria's poorest.
EDITORIAL: Public Dollars, Private Efforts
How your tax dollars can partner with ministries to empower the poor.
EDITORIAL: A Barely Tolerable Punishment
The death penalty is nothing to exult in.
ARTICLE: Toronto’s Mixed Blessing
Holy laughter, miraculous healings, and renewed spirits are bringing shouts of 'Revival!' How ripe are the fruits of the Airport Vineyard Church?
Helping Johnny Be Good
Can 'character education' save the public schools?
BOOKS: Possessed by the Spirit of the Age
Chuck Colson's prophetic first novel.
Countdown to Communism
Churches in Hong Kong fear threat to religious freedom when China's rule returns.
SIDEBAR: Young Pastors Shoulder the Burdens
News Network International, in Hong Kong.
SIDEBAR: Christian Institute Takes Public Stand
News Network International, in Hong Kong.
Mideast Leaders Falsified Ministry Reports
Gospel Crusade suspends two staff following inquiry.
'Jane Roe' Plaintiff Joins Pro-life Movement
Conversion reshapes Norma McCorvey's views