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A Black & White Movie
What happens when a rich, white megachurch meets a poor, African-American, inner-city congregation? The Second Chance, opening in theaters this week, takes a look.
Going Live with Liv
Livingston Taylor doesn't mind living in the shadow of big brother James; he embraces it. Here, the folk singer talks about James, Carly Simon, songwriting, and things of faith.
Spiritual Formation for Dummies
Many people want more than knowledge about God—they want transformation, says Adele Ahlberg Calhoun. But they don't know where to start.
Islam's Uncertain Future
Freedom House's Paul Marshall says Shari'ah is both less and more dangerous than you think.
A Nanny With Sense ... and Sensibility
Emma Thompson, perhaps best known for 1995's Sense and Sensibility, wrote and stars in what she now calls her proudest project, Nanny McPhee, opening this week.
Death Worked Backwards
End of the Spear, a new film about the 1956 missionary martyrs in Ecuador, is similar to the Narnia story in some ways, says Steve Saint, son of one of the murdered men.
Being Pocahontas
Fifteen-year-old Q'Orianka Kilcher really got into her first starring role as the young Native American.
Peace Not Out of Reach
What American Christians can do to help resolve the LRA conflict.
The Power of a Father's Blessing
What former NFL pro Bill Glass has learned after 36 years of prison ministry.
Christians in Hollywood: Now What?
Pop culture analyst Craig Detweiler says Christians are long past merely trying to get a foot in the door in the film industry. Now that they've got a seat at the table, where do they go from here?
The Sound of the Furay
Rock and Roll Hall of Famer Richie Furay (Buffalo Springfield, Poco), now a pastor in Colorado, is still making music. These days, it's what he calls "devotional songs."
The Man Came Around
Johnny Cash was not ashamed of his Christian faith—though it was sometimes a messy faith—and even got some encouragement from Billy Graham along the way.
When the Mountains Don't Move
Professor learns hard lessons in the school of prayer.
A Narnia Geek's Dream Come True
Perry Moore, a lifelong sci-fi and fantasy fanboy, has always wanted to see his favorite book, The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe, made into a movie. Now it is—and he's the executive producer.
Interview with a Penitent
How Anne Rice moved from fascination with vampires to renewed faith in Christ.
The Original Narnia Soundtrack
Mr. Versatile
Dennis Quaid has played all sorts of roles, including recent family films like the brand-new Yours, Mine & Ours. Here, he identifies himself as a Christian, but also a "spiritual seeker."
The Man in Black
Joaquin Phoenix and Reese Witherspoon, who play Johnny and June Carter Cash in Walk the Line, join director James Mangold to discuss the legend's life—and faith.
Priest Idol
A Wheaton grad ends up on British reality TV. His mission: Save a dying church.
The Problem with Evangelical Theologies
Ben Witherington III thinks there is something fundamentally weak about each branch of the movement.

Top Story June 14, 2024

PCA Will Investigate ‘Jesus Calling’ Book
PCA Will Investigate ‘Jesus Calling’ Book
The author of the bestseller died last year. The investigation will determine if the book is appropriate for Christians.

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