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How I Overcame My Dread Of Talking About Money From The Pulpit
Why should our approach to meeting financial challenges be any different than our approach to meeting every other challenge?
Money And The Small Church: 3 Reasons We Must Talk About It (New Series)
While having money is no guarantee of church success or health, poor money management will always undermine good ministry. We have to get better at this.
9 Ways To Reverse A Downward Giving Trend In An Otherwise Healthy Church
Even people who love the church and are fully committed to its mission are not giving as much as they once did.
Minimalism Isn’t the Key to Christmas
We need more than anti-consumerism for a healthy Christian holiday.
3 Tips for Hosting an Outstanding Church Dinner or Potluck
Use the dinner table like Jesus did.
Why #GivingTuesday Donations Could Drop Dramatically Next Year
Evangelical leaders warn of ‘devastating’ impact of GOP tax plan on the charitable deduction.
The Generous Soul
Why overcoming the Scrooge in all of us begins with gratitude.
5 Big Ideas for Generous Churches
Want your people to give with joy? Here’s what it’s going to take.
6 Ways To Leverage Your Church's Limited Resources For Greater Ministry Impact
Every church needs a plan that helps decide which needs they’ll respond to and which ones they won’t. This isn’t easy, but it’s important.
Generosity Gap: Christians and Pastors Tithe and Tip for Different Reasons
Survey identifies the main motivations for giving money.
How a Small Congregation Fed 145,000 People
God is using 124 people from this historic congregation to support a big ministry.
8 Reasons Churches Should Partner with Secular Community Groups
How can we reach our communities if they have no idea we love them? And how will they know we love them if we don’t work alongside them?
Ministry on the Alaskan Frontier
Curtis Ivanoff talks leadership and reconciliation in America’s most diverse census tract.
Paid Content
Paid Content for Thrivent Financial
How to Be at Peace and Get What You Want
Fortune 500 CEO Brad Hewitt’s wisdom for moving past our insatiable cravings.
Treat Folks Well
What a bout with cancer taught me about caring for the people I lead.
What I Wish I Had Known about Stewardship
Five insights that changed my awkward relationship with this core part of the Christian life and church ministry.
When Tithing Comes With a Money-Back Guarantee
How did churches like NewSpring and Life.Church get thousands of Christians to start giving? By offering a refund if God isn't faithful.
Raising Generous, Debt-Free Kids
7 things your kids need to know about money
People Won't Commit to the Church Any More? Don't You Believe It
The way people make commitments is changing. Unhealthy churches whine about it. Healthy churches do something about it.
Thousands of Jen Hatmaker Fans Bought Her Book for Strangers
For the Love, indeed.

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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