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Courts Issue Contradictory Rulings as Contraceptive Mandate Fines Begin
Ruling Roundup: For-profits seeking injunctions against HHS have 10-3 winning record.
Hobby Lobby: The First Martyr Under Obamacare?
Why more Christians should be alarmed by the ruling against the craft store chain.
Contraceptives, Guns, Chicken: Top Newsmakers of 2012
CT rounds up end-of-year lists from around the web.
Government Backs Down on Contraceptive Mandate
Promises to "never enforce" current HHS rule against Wheaton College or similar religious employers. But is it a real victory?
Supreme Court Revives Liberty University's Contraceptives Lawsuit
(UPDATED) Fourth Circuit tosses Liberty's challenge to entire HHS employer mandate.
The Surprising Christian Organizations Suing the Government
Many suing over the HHS contraception mandate are doing so "despite, not because of, the culture war aspect."
Supreme Court's Health-Care Ruling Could Weaken Charity Tax Breaks
Why some religious nonprofits' worries aren't about the contraception mandate.
Evangelical Colleges Biola and Grace Sue Obama Administration Over Contraceptive Mandate
The California- and Indiana-based schools join Wheaton College, others in suing over health care law.
Q & A: Philip Ryken on Wheaton’s Contraception Mandate Lawsuit: 'A Last Resort'
The college president explains why it's is suing, and why now.
Wheaton College Joins Lawsuits Fighting the Contraception Mandate
Mandate "would force the College to violate its religious beliefs or pay," school says.
What Does "Preventive" Care Mean? Further Thoughts on Prenatal Testing, Abortion, and Down syndrome
Prenatal testing was developed for the purpose of selective abortion, but has selective abortion been the result? And what should our government have to say about it?
Supreme Court Unexpectedly Upholds Regulatory Elimination of Down Syndrome
Is a new type of eugenics the unexpected result of the Affordable Care Act?
Faith Healing: How Local Churches Are Stepping into Health Care's Gaps
The innovative Congregational Health Network in Memphis relies on local congregations to take care of their members.
The Health Care Ruling and the God of Salvation
How yesterday's ruling affects—and shouldn't affect—those who follow the crucified Christ.
Most Evangelicals Likely to Lament Supreme Court Healthcare Ruling
Poll finds most wanted justices to overturn healthcare law.
Mass Appeal: Evangelicals Copy More of Catholic Playbook to Oppose Contraception Ruling
Mandate has evangelicals and Catholics finding common ground on ethics—and strategy.
Religious Groups Still Weighing In on Obama Administration's Contraception Plan
A recent proposal by the administration tries to address previous religious freedom concerns.
Erasing Women: How Both Sides Contribute to the Media Blackout on Female Pro-Lifers
We could work harder to prevent unfortunate photo-ops.
Where the Women Were During the House Contraception Mandate Hearing
The effort to tarnish religious freedom concerns as sexism is clever but wrong.

Top Story June 17, 2024

Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
It’s okay to mourn what’s lost without losing hope for what’s to come.

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