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Êtes-vous un chrétien joueur ?
Ce n’est pas parce que la vie est facile que les chrétiens peuvent s’adonner à des fantaisies, mais justement parce qu’elle ne l’est pas.
Is There a Tiny Puritan Living in Your Head? Tell Him to Get Lost.
God has set a feast for us in the world, and we shouldn’t feel guilty about savoring it.
슬픔에 가까운 부활의 기쁨
성탄의 기쁨과 대조되는 그리스도의 부활
La joie de Pâques n’est pas sans mélancolie
La célébration de la résurrection du Christ contraste avec la joie de Noël.
O que C. S. Lewis e John Henry Newman nos ensinam sobre a alegria melancólica da Páscoa
A celebração da ressurreição de Cristo contrasta com a alegria do Natal.
In a Mad Mad World, God Welcomes Our Merrymaking
Christmas calls us to be like children and bring our joy to Jesus, even in the midst of upheaval.
马修·穆林斯 (Matthew Mullins)说,《圣经》教导我们,但它的教导方法所蕴含的不仅仅是信息和指导。
馬修·穆林斯 (Matthew Mullins)說,《聖經》教導我們,但它的教導方法所蘊含的不僅僅是信息和指導。
The Paradox of Playfulness
Christians can engage in whimsy not because life is easy, but because life is difficult.
Lire la Parole de Dieu comme un poème, pas comme un manuel d’instructions
La Bible nous enseigne, dit Matthew Mullins, mais elle fait plus que nous informer et nous conseiller.
The Inhuman Consequences of Satan’s Oldest Lie
Alan Noble analyzes the unbearable burdens that result from believing we belong to ourselves.
Lea la Palabra de Dios como un poema, no como un manual de instrucciones
Según Matthew Mullins, el método de enseñanza de la Biblia siempre conlleva más que información y guía.
Fear the Lord. No Other Word Will Do the Trick.
Even close relatives like “awe” and “reverence” don’t quite capture the passionate intensity of trembling in the presence of a holy God.
Reading God’s Word like a Poem, Not an Instruction Manual
The Bible teaches us, says Matthew Mullins, but its method of teaching always entails more than information and guidance.
In a Post-Christian Culture, There’s No Good Way Around Being the ‘Baddies’
If we have to wear the villain label, we can at least wear it with calmness, confidence, and joy.
Weekly Meanderings, 11 December 2020
Our weekly selection of links across the web.
精神疾病與 “醫學神義論”的陷阱
Doenças mentais e a armadilha da "teodiceia médica"
Por que sentimos uma sensação tão palpável de alívio espiritual, quando o problema é com o corpo e não com a mente?
Died: Luci Swindoll, Who Believed in God’s Grace and Being Herself
Woman of Faith speaker celebrated life of singleness.

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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