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The Eternal Laughter of Robin Williams
A pastor reflects on the death of a great entertainer.
Staying Alive in a Suicidal World
Will the body of Christ live up to its name to stem suicide?
Can Churches Separate Mental Illness and Shame?
Rick Warren confronts one more "last taboo."
Kay Warren: A Year of Grieving Dangerously
One year after the suicide of her son, she shares her story of grief, mystery, and hope.
Joel Hunter's Son Isaac Found Dead After Suicide
(UPDATED) Two Orlando-area megachurches ask for prayers for grieving family; Kay Warren, who recently lost her own son to suicide, reacts.
Rick Warren Tells Story of Son's Suicide on CNN
'I never questioned my faith in God. I questioned God's plan,' said Warren in what Piers Morgan called his most-inspiring interview ever.
Rick Warren's First Sermon Since Son's Suicide Promises Push on Mental Health
Pastor envisions campaign to rival megachurch’s work on HIV/AIDS.
Mourning a Daughter's Suicide
How family and faith sustained Frank Page as he grieved the loss of his sweet, but troubled, Melissa.
Gleanings: June 2013
Important developments in the church and the world.
Antidote to Poison
I was haunted by failure to the edge of suicide—and then came life.
Addressing Depression and Suicide in Your Church
The best time to deal with a crisis is before it hits.
Christians Can't Ignore the Uncomfortable Reality of Mental Illness
Our shallow responses send the message that our faith has no answer for this kind of suffering.
When Suicide Strikes in the Body of Christ
Neither life nor death, not even suicide, can separate us from the love of God.
In the Wake of Suicide's Silence: Why Blame Is Never the Answer
After my own brother's suicide 15 years ago, I should know that locating blame is so often futile.
Voice of the Martyrs' Tom White's Death an Apparent Suicide Following Molestation Investigation
Leader of prominent persecution ministry was being investigated by police on allegations of molesting a young girl.
Interview: Chai Ling on Saving China's Daughters
Each day in China, 35,000 baby girls are aborted and 500 women commit suicide. One freedom fighter won't take it any longer.
Suicide Mission
Jamie Tworkowski’s nonprofit shows love to self-destructive teens.
Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, and a Young Man's Death
Why I hold Facebook's founder complicit—at least in part—for the suicide of Rutgers freshman Tyler Clementi.
Learning from the Cornell Suicides
The Ivy League school's six suicides in six months serve to remind us of the people in our networks who are struggling privately.
Preventing Suicide
Fast facts about risk factors, warning signs, and tips for saving lives.

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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