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My Favorite ‘Quick to Listen’ Episodes of 2018
The hosts of CT's weekly news podcast on the episodes they won't soon forget.
Love Your Neighbor as Yourself—And Bring Your Kids Along
Raising children to love like Jesus did.
Our October Issue: Rethinking Vocation
Work is both “do what you love” and “do what you must.”
The ‘Protestant Work Ethic’ Really Does Fight Poverty
How Christian discipleship affects household income.
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Is Not a Ministry Guide
The infamous pyramid was never an accurate description of how people act, let alone a guide to discipleship.
The God Who Overpowers Childhood Trauma
A new book crawls into the lives of children at risk, enters their desperation, and accompanies them on their journey toward redemption.
Junk for Jesus
Scripture invites us to give our firstfruits, not our fourthfruits.
Visit Those in Prison. Just Remember Jesus May Have Gotten There First.
Very often, people behind bars already have a relationship with God.
Quick To ListenEpisode 93|54min
Proximity to Poverty’s ‘Destructive Culture’
Jesus said the poor will always be with you. But did he mean in your neighborhood?
Why We Need to Talk about Trump’s Haiti Remarks
Christians can expand their compassion by looking at the deeper story of development and immigration.
Quick To ListenEpisode 89|45min
When Good Charity Looks Like Giving Out Cash
We’re used to buying the poor what we think they need. Is that the best we can do?
The Christian Leader’s Guide to Economics
The so-called “dismal science” is a powerful tool for wealth creation, but also for healing broken communities.
The Faith of the ‘Killable People’
Why “prison Pentecostalism” is flourishing among criminals, gang members, and others on society’s margins.
3 Disaster Myths That Only Compound the Devastation
The biggest threat facing churches isn’t a disaster event—it’s how we think about disasters.
Quick To ListenEpisode 70|38min
Why Christian Charities Help People in Controversial Countries
World Vision’s CEO on why ending poverty requires working in states with mixed human rights records and failing governments.
How Government Support Saved Me
Signing up for food stamps changed my view of poverty in America.
How to Counter the Economic Argument for Abortion
To provide a persuasive alternative, the church must offer holistic, long-term support.
A Shoplifter’s Search for God
I equated material possessions with happiness, until a high-school mission trip changed my thinking.
John Perkins: I Wish I Had Done More to Help Poor White People
An excerpt from ‘Dream with Me: Race, Love, and the Struggle We Must Win.’
Why a Christian Approach to Fighting Homelessness Pays Off
Study: Ministries saved taxpayers $119 million in 11 cities by offering both housing and healing.

Top Story June 17, 2024

Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
It’s okay to mourn what’s lost without losing hope for what’s to come.

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