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Despite Mike Pence, Most Evangelical Pastors Are Not Ready to Vote Trump
Almost half remain undecided, with pastors split over which candidate characteristic is most important.
Ron Sider: Why I Am Voting for Hillary Clinton
This election, there are only two meaningful choices for president. Why one is the far wiser choice.
James Dobson: Why I Am Voting for Donald Trump
The founder and president of Family Talk explains why his decision centers on the future of the Supreme Court.
Sho Baraka: Why I Can't Vote for Either Trump or Clinton
Both candidates fail to address the heart concerns of black evangelicals like me.
Clinton, Trump, or Neither? 3 Views on the 2016 Presidential Election
Ron Sider, James Dobson, and Sho Baraka make the best Christian case for each choice.
Sorry, Trump: 3 in 4 Evangelicals Don't Want Pastors Endorsing Politicians from Pulpits
However, survey finds they also don't want pastors who do campaign to be punished.
I Overlooked the Rural Poor—Then Trump Came Along
This election has urban evangelicals paying more attention to the plight of small-town America.
Dobson Explains Why He Called Trump a ‘Baby Christian’
Offhand comments sparked debate over candidate's possible recommitment to Christ.
Quick To ListenEpisode 21|34min
In a Trump v. Clinton Election, Should Character Matter?
Historian John Fea on how Americans’ understanding of morality has evolved and how your view of government affects your answer.
Goodbye, God Gap: Trump and Clinton Have Churchgoers Unusually Split
Plus here's what we know about evangelical Democrats.
Pro-Life Democrats Struggle with Clinton Challenging Status Quo
Hyde Amendment joins Johnson Amendment in no longer being sacrosanct.
Quick To ListenEpisode 20|45min
The Deep Roots of Our Hillary Hostility
A Clinton biographer and #NeverTrump third-party voter on why evangelicals are #NotWithHer.
Dobson Endorses Trump, While Evangelical Leaders Advise Voting for Lesser Evil
Pew tracks how many evangelicals came to pick Trump for president.
Why Neither Candidate Has Hispanic Christians Convinced This Election
Leading evangelical explains how both Trump and Clinton fall short.
Trump, Clinton, or Neither: How Evangelicals Are Expected to Vote
(UPDATED) More data on the question debated by Russell Moore, Robert Jeffress, and many others.
Actually, Most Evangelicals Don’t Vote Trump
The numbers tell a different story than the headlines.
The Theology of Donald Trump
Four words that reveal what his followers really believe.
Should Christians Vote for the Lesser of Two Evils?
Even at the ballot box, morality is not relative.
How Trump Tempts Us
Politics is not about one thing, but many things held in tension.
Most Pastors Aren't Voting Trump as Primaries Approach
(UPDATED) In Iowa, evangelicals split caucus votes mostly between Ted Cruz, Donald Trump, and Marco Rubio.

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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