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Apa Dampak Pencurahan Rohani di Asbury? Yohanes Pembaptis Menawarkan 3 Pelajaran
Pelayanan sang nabi menolong kita memahami apa yang mungkin terjadi setahun setelah kebangunan rohani dimulai.
The Russell Moore ShowEpisode 94|30min
Bonus Episode: Should You Watch ‘The Chosen’?
Peter Wehner returns to discuss depictions of Jesus and political division.
Penderitaan dan Ketundukan di Getsemani
Bahkan saat Yesus bergumul, Ia tetap teguh pada apa yang paling Dia inginkan.
Em meio à batalha, parem de lutar
Com tanta coisa em jogo, como podemos seguir a instrução do salmista?
Tenang di Tengah Pertempuran
Dengan begitu banyak hal yang dipertaruhkan, bagaimana kita dapat mengikuti perkataan sang pemazmur?
Quietud en medio de la batalla
¿Cómo podemos seguir el consejo del salmista cuando hay tanto en juego?
Being HumanEpisode 6|33min
Triangulation and Overfunctioning
Steve Cuss and Jimmy Carnes discuss the complexities of introspection.
Macetando o Apocalipse ou o testemunho cristão?
À medida que as igrejas evangélicas continuam a se multiplicar, os líderes pedem bom senso sobre quando e como testemunhar.
Такер Карлсон узяв у Путіна інтерв'ю. Українські євангельські християни пояснили ширший контекст.
Колишній ведучий Fox News спробував дослідити релігійне мислення російського президента, а Christianity Today пропонує вашій увазі огляд думок місцевих християнських лідерів із самого початку війни.
Такер Карлсон взял у Путина интервью. Украинские евангельские христиане объяснили более широкий контекст.
Бывший ведущий Fox News попытался исследовать религиозное мышление российского президента, а Christianity Today предлагает вашему вниманию обзор мнений местных христианских лидеров с самого начала войны.
Sofrimento e submissão no Getsêmani
Mesmo enquanto lutava, Jesus estava decidido sobre o que queria acima de tudo.
Was Carnival Rapture Warning Courageous or Inappropriate? Brazil Debates Eschatology
After pop star’s surprise witness ends with a bang, evangelical leaders discuss whether to axe apocalypse talk as ineffective evangelism.
​​Trump on Track to Sweep South Carolina
Despite some tension within churches over the candidates, evangelicals mostly side with the former president’s track record over their former governor Nikki Haley.
Picture Jesus: Is He Shiny?
Christ’s resplendence in the Transfiguration says more than we think.
Gender Difference Is Real, but Too Complex to Spell Out All the Specifics
A theologian articulates an Augustinian alternative to the reigning perspectives on nature and culture.
Hal yang Hilang Saat Kita Melakukan Kebaktian Siaran Langsung
Apakah pemirsa daring kita benar-benar menyadari apa yang mereka lewatkan?
The True Master of the Elements
Netflix’s live-action Avatar: The Last Airbender speaks to a longing C.S. Lewis described—and can remind us of our promises in Christ.
Como a igreja pode ajudar na cura de mulheres negras
Ser uma “mulher negra forte” era minha medalha de honra, até que isso quase me matou.

Top Story May 14, 2024

Creating Christian College Presidents for the Future
Creating Christian College Presidents for the Future
A first cohort of scholars consider whether God is calling them to executive leadership.

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