
Watch and Wait
Tarrying with Christ and the fearful dying.
Neither Fully Widow Nor Fully Wife
Alzheimer’s puts caregivers in painful in-betweens.
How God Became Jesus—and How I Came to Faith in Him
Bart Ehrman’s narrative suggests the more educated you are, the less likely you are to believe. My life proves otherwise.
The Epic Jesus Follower Fail
The cringe-worthy subplot of Holy Week underscores the truth of the gospel.
Five Errors to Drop From Your Easter Sermon
If you want to help people see Holy Week with fresh eyes, start by dropping these familiar fallacies.
A Doctor Faces His Own Suffering
How one man found joy in the midst of debilitating physical pain
Why Resurrection People Remember the Dead
Keeping the memory of our deceased loved ones alive.
How to Date Jesus' Wife
New tests suggest a manuscript fragment is ancient after all. Is it important? We asked noncanonical gospels expert Nicholas Perrin.
This Is 40
My upcoming birthday has me already thinking of dying.
What Happens When we Turn (For Real) To God
This Lent, I've learned again that He runs to meet us and welcome us home
Surprised by N.T. Wright
The Bible scholar's goal is to massively revise the way we talk about the Christian faith. By many accounts, he's already succeeded.
Picturing N.T. Wright
A willing subject, a talented photographer, and great light. When planning a photo session in a remote location you hope for those three things. In the case of CT’s April 2014 cover story, we received them all.
The Book of Common Prayer Is Still a Big Deal
Alan Jacobs explains why the nearly 500-year-old Anglican prayer book retains its influence, and why it should appeal even to (non-Anglican) evangelicals.
Enough Time to Pray, Even as a Mother: An Interview with Micha Boyett
The author of Found talks about prayer, parenting, and grace
Knowing God Means More than Describing Him
Sometimes, our spiritual experiences can't be put into words.
Faith for the Post-Christian Heart: A Conversation with Francis Spufford
For the UK writer, Christianity must first make sense in the realm of lived experience.
The Crisis of Faith We Don't Expect When We're Expecting
As a new mom, I lost my prayer life and eventually rediscovered the psalms.
Why Pope Francis is Right About Confession
I'm not planning to become Catholic, but I am grateful for the Pope's example
A Thread Called Grace
How I came to stop hiding and face the biggest secret of my early life.
Lent: Does God Really Care About My Diet Plan?
Lent helps me join Jesus in erasing the line between sacred and secular.

Top Story June 1, 2024

India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results
India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results
Church leaders mobilized prayer for parliament and state elections, knowing the question wasn’t whether Hindu nationalists would win but the size of their mandate.

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