Politics+Current Affairs

Most Evangelicals Likely to Lament Supreme Court Healthcare Ruling
Poll finds most wanted justices to overturn healthcare law.
Syria's Last Chance
As violence surges and diplomacy fails, Christians, Muslims, and Druze advocate for reconciliation and democracy.
Critics Challenge National Association of Evangelicals' Abortion-Reduction Initiative's Funding
Funding of soon-to-close Generation Forum by pro-contraception group draws criticism from World Magazine and Manhattan Declaration.
Pro-Life Democrats Dwindle in Congress
Redistricting and retirements may halve the small group—again.
Why Israel Exists 'for the Palestinians'—and the Rest of the World
The conclusion of a conversation between John Piper and Jews for Jesus head David Brickner.
What Egyptian Christians Think About Their New Islamist President
Reactions are varied, but fear is prevalent.
God Doesn't Keep Jews in a Pickle Jar
Part three of a conversation between John Piper and Jews for Jesus head David Brickner.
Why We Should Reexamine the Faith of Barack Obama
How Christians might think about the Gospel and the President.
Barack Obama: Evangelical-in-Chief?
How Christians might think about the President's faith.
How to Treat a Rebellious Israel
Part two of a conversation between John Piper and Jews for Jesus head David Brickner.
Do Jews Have a Divine Right to Israel's Land?
Part one of a conversation between John Piper and Jews for Jesus head David Brickner.
Q & A: Marco Rubio on His Faith of Many Colors
The Florida senator's religious background takes many shapes, but he knows how it translates into policy.
Who Are the Copts?
Egypt's embattled Christians find common identity across denominational lines.
Jerry Sandusky Charity Transferring $2 Million to Christian Foster Care Agency
The Second Mile couldn't survive donor fallout from sex abuse scandal at Penn State football program.
James Ossuary Verdict Not Set In Stone
Biblical archaeologists still split over conclusion of long-running Israeli court drama.
Declining to Photograph a Same-Sex Ceremony: Is It Legal to Refuse a Gay Client?
A court in New Mexico says no. We map the arguments.
What Does the New Statement on Immigration Reform Actually Mean?
Translating immigration reform buzz words into policy terms.
Exclusive: Focus on the Family's Jim Daly on a New Stance on Immigration Reform
Daly explains why he joined a coalition of evangelical leaders when the organization has not taken a public stance on the issue in the past.
Book Buyer Beware? It's Christian Fiction.
Controversy brews over labels on Christian novels.
Prison Advocates on Federal Standards to End Prison Rape: Late and Incomplete
Justice Fellowship calls the Department of Justice's decision to exclude immigration facilities from new rules "outrageous."

Top Story May 5, 2024

Conservative Methodists, Unite
Conservative Methodists, Unite
After this week’s UMC votes on LGBTQ issues, African Methodists should join American conservatives in the new Global Methodist denomination.

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