Church Life+Ministry

The CallingEpisode 26|47min
Max Lucado's Hope for This Election Season
Why the beloved pastor and best-selling author isn't despairing for the church's future.
The Church and the Huddled Masses
Throughout US history, the church has had a complicated relationship with the "homeless, tempest-tost" looking for a better life.
She Reads Truth: Why Women Will Lead the 21st-Century Bible Resurgence
A hashtag started a movement to get millions of women into the Word.
Planting an Immigrant Church in America's Whitest City
Meet the retiree-turned-pastor who's creating a home for Portland's Arabic Christians.
The CallingEpisode 25|28min
How 'Colorblind' Christianity Broke Propaganda's Heart
The rapper, poet, and social activist on the story he can't believe we missed.
We’re Not Getting Any Younger
Our culture loves youth and fears age. Here’s what faith has to say.
The Beard-Battle that Almost Split Christendom
A fond look back at the time when growing facial hair was an excommunication-worthy offense.
Why the Whole Church Needs Psalm 137, Violent Imagery and All
A protest song for Syrian refugees and suburban soccer moms.
Church Apps: Distraction or Attraction?
How two Georgia churches are using mobile technology to connect to a new generation of churchgoers.
The CallingEpisode 24|40min
When Charles Stanley’s Marriage Ended, Prayer Was His Lifeline
Even after 40 years of ministry, the Southern Baptist luminary still starts and ends every day on his knees.
Randy Alcorn: God Wants You to Find Your Happy Place
Why happiness and holiness don’t have to be in conflict.
My Search for a Truly 'Creative' Church
What a 7-month tour through nearly 20 congregations taught me about God's imaginative people.
When Modern Medicine Becomes a False God
A doctor reflects on what healthcare can—and can’t—accomplish.
The Value of Friends Who Don’t Look, Think, or Vote Like You Do
When you limit your social circles, you limit your opportunities to grow.
Art Advocates
A snapshot of Christian witness in the world (as it appeared in our October issue).
Gleanings: October 2016
Important developments in the church and the world (as they appeared in our October issue).
Manga Mania
The Japanese Bible series has sold more than the Jesus Storybook Bible. So why is it not taking off in Japan?
Jimmy Carter: Pursuing an Arc of Reconciliation
The former president has a new hope for racial justice—starting with the church.
The New Baptist Covenant: Will It Work?
Jimmy Carter's attempt to unite Baptists may be a bridge too far for some.
The Other 'Christianity Today'
Learning from our fundamentalist predecessor.

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Bringing the City of God to the Cities of Earth
Bringing the City of God to the Cities of Earth
Christian urban designers and developers explain how their faith affects their work—and how their work affects your faith.

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