Church Life+Ministry

Don't Be Afraid to Ask
Sometimes, women need to set aside false selflessness.
The Poor Shall Inherit the Boards
Calling for more economic diversity in church leadership.
If a Brand-New Christian Women's Conference Goes Viral, Then What?
The story behind the success of the IF: Gathering.
In Defense of the Christian Private School Bubble
Giving parents grace in a complex educational landscape.
How White Missionaries Helped Birth Modern-Day India
An Indian missionary tells fellow Christians to stop complaining and follow their forefathers' example.
Toxic Leaders in Our Ranks
New Army research could inform how the church fosters healthier, godlier leadership.
Birthmothers, the Unsung Heroes of the Adoption Movement
A new ministry is trying to change bad stereotypes.
How I Beat Back the Darkness after Rape
I kept choosing life after being violated by my pastor.
Fraudbuster Barry Minkow Convicted of Cheating His Own Church Out of $3 Million
Already in prison, former conman turned watchdog for Christian ministries could now serve an extended sentence.
A Local Pastor Turned Public School Champion
Don Coleman, Richmond's newly elected school board chairman, wants more churches to adopt local, struggling schools.
God Doesn't Want Christian Clones
Are you following God or following someone else who’s following God?
Abortion Meets a New Generation
Progressive evangelicals can't tout social justice while side-stepping the sanctity of life.
The Top 10 This Is Our City Stories: Editor's Pick
And a bit of what our team learned along the way.
American Bible Society Selects Bible Translator as New President
Roy Peterson has led The Seed Company and Wycliffe USA; now he’s heading to Manhattan.
Pope Francis: Let Moms Breastfeed in Church
'If they are hungry, mothers, let them eat,' reiterates pontiff at Sistine Chapel.
Homeland Security Arrests Missionary at Airport Over Wife's Murder
Alabama police chief on pastor bound for three years in Germany: 'If we can’t get Snowden back, we probably wouldn’t get him back.'
Who Owns the Pastor's Sermon?
Church or pastor? When sermons become books that make millions in royalties, the answer is important.
Tim Keller on Enduring Suffering Without Losing Hope
Why Christianity has the best answer to the pain that life brings.
Hummus and the Holy Spirit
Like the popular Middle Eastern dish, our understanding of the Trinity relies on a delicate blend of ingredients. Did one small change to the Nicene Creed alter the recipe, or enhance the original?
The Surprising Discovery About Those Colonialist, Proselytizing Missionaries
They didn’t set out to change history. But one modern scholar’s research shows they did just that.

Top Story June 1, 2024

India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results
India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results
Church leaders mobilized prayer for parliament and state elections, knowing the question wasn’t whether Hindu nationalists would win but the size of their mandate.

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