Church Life+Ministry

Jon Acuff Resigns from 'Dream Job' with Dave Ramsey
'Stuff Christians Like' blogger and author starts new site.
Why Henry Blackaby, Author of 'Experiencing God,' Went Missing
(UPDATED) Son explains how popular Bible teacher's health caused 29-hour disappearance.
Religion Runs in the Family
Vern Bengtson’s research shows the surprising resiliency of faith as it passes from parents to children.
What You Should Know About the Pope's New Interview
Francis’s comments weren’t just about abortion and gay marriage.
It's Inevitable: We're Human, We're Christian, and We're Lonely
How an over-connected, over-independent culture keeps us from the intimacy we all crave.
Rick Warren Tells Story of Son's Suicide on CNN
'I never questioned my faith in God. I questioned God's plan,' said Warren in what Piers Morgan called his most-inspiring interview ever.
The Fruitful Callings of the Childless By Choice
Skipping over a procreative opportunity isn't a rejection of God's purpose for me.
Mentoring Mohammed: How Loving Schools Saves Souls
The story of a former pharisee turned public school champion.
Moving Pains: The Disorientating Grief of Transitions
Tips for finding community when you still feel like a stranger.
How to Pray for Your City
The story behind the prayer movement that ignited in New York City.
The Secrets of a Giving Church
Why one denomination’s members give way more than your church's members do.
The Overlooked Ethics of Reproduction
Why don't Christians see IVF and surrogacy as moral issues?
Christ in the Capital of the World
How global Christians are revitalizing NYC far beyond Manhattan.
How the Seeker-Sensitive, Consumer Church Is Failing a Generation
We don’t need gimmicks; we need the gospel.
Why We Need Small Towns
And how they correct the supersized spirituality of evangelicals.
Faith Outside the Bubble
Christians who question their beliefs deserve better than defensive slogans and cliches.
N.T. Wright Wants to Save the Best Worship Songs
The scholar urges the church to stop neglecting Jesus' prayer book.
God's Word in Two Words
All that we need to understand the power of the gospel.
Chaos and Grace in the Slums of the Earth
My Easter weekend with missionaries who follow Christ to the uttermost.
The Gospel of Small for an Oversized Church
Why we need quiet disciples. Like the ones in this issue.

Top Story May 21, 2024

The Loosening of American Evangelicalism
The Loosening of American Evangelicalism
Long-standing norms against drinking, tattoos, and Catholic-coded church practices have rapidly fallen. What’s going on?

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