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More Culture of Life, Please
We like what we heard, we just didn't hear enough of it.
Faith-based, Results-focused
Jim Towey says Bush will push hard for compassion initiative in second term.
Same Song, Second Term
It is a unique political moment for Christian conservatives—or is it?
White House Speechwriter Talks About the Bush Code
Plus: U.S. News phones it in on prayer, Indonesian churches attacked, Mormon author disfellowshipped, and other stories from online sources around the world.
Bad Believers, Non-Believers
Do religious labels really mean anything?
'Moral Values' Carry Bush to Victory
Moral issues bigger priority for voters than economy, terrorism, or war in Iraq. Nearly a quarter of voters identify themselves as evangelical/born-again.
Weblog Bonus: 'Bush Gets Mandate for Theocracy'
Plus: Church of England's women bishops plan revealed, spanking ban defeated, and other stories from online sources around the world.
'Moral Values' Tops Voters' Concerns—But What Does It Mean?
Sexual morality probably trumped social justice concerns, say observers.
Salt-and-Pepper Politics
Choosing between candidates whose consciences are too clean.
Wooing the Faithful
President Bush needs evangelicals more than ever, but it's unclear how badly they want him for another four years.
The Values-Driven Voter
The values bandwagon is being pulled apart. Which way is more scriptural?
Bush's Code Cracked
A University of Chicago professor says he's figured out how the president is winning evangelicals' support. He's only partly right.
The Politics of Prayer
The Presidential Prayer Team prays for Bush, Iraq, and more voters.
'God Is Not Indifferent to America'
Plus: The Times of London predicts an Anglican smackdown, church vs. PAX in D.C., and other stories from online sources around the world.
'A Calling From Beyond the Stars'
Plus: Archbishop Burke says Catholics can vote for pro-choice candidates after all, and other stories from online sources around the world.
Purging the Faith from 'Faith-Based'
The first detailed history of President Bush's initiative to help the poor.
Bush Wants Church Support, Opponents Cry Foul
Plus: Taliban kills Christian in Afghanistan, court rejects judge's ruling in lesbian custody case, and more articles from online sources around the world.
Bush Calls for 'Culture Change'
In interview, President says new era of responsibility should replace 'feel-good.'
Bush Campaign Seeks 'Friendly Congregations'
Plus: Canadian Anglicans put off vote on gay marriages, George Beverly Shea leaves hospital after heart attack, Eisenhower's 'crusade' omitted, and other stories from online sources around the world.
State of the Unions
Administration proposes plan to teach couples relationship skills

Top Story June 17, 2024

Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
It’s okay to mourn what’s lost without losing hope for what’s to come.

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