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Visit Those in Prison. Just Remember Jesus May Have Gotten There First.
Very often, people behind bars already have a relationship with God.
Welcoming the Prisoner into Your Small Group
Prison Fellowship's new curriculum invites Christians to learn how their faith intersects with America's criminal justice system.
‘Mindhunter’ Offers a Stark Warning About the Limits of Empathy
Our reviewer says Netflix’s new crime drama is the service’s best show yet.
God, Guns, and Oil
A Los Angeles church seeks the good of its neighborhood by confronting crime and environmental distress.
In 'The Keepers,' Harrowing Crimes Awaken Our Longing for Justice
Netflix's troubling true-crime docuseries wrestles with what happens when murder and abuse go unpunished.
Quick To ListenEpisode 58|42min
Pursuing a Christian Idea of Criminal Justice in the Jeff Sessions Era
Prison Fellowship's Craig DeRoche on the attorney general, America's drug policy, and his organization's unlikely partnerships.
Prison Fellowship Fights the 48,000 Forces Keeping Former Inmates from a Second Chance
Broad coalition launches awareness month to dismantle ‘second prison’ beyond bars.
Quick To ListenEpisode 25|33min
Our Prison Ministries Are Too Small
With 600,000 people returning home annually, how can the United States’ 300,000 churches do more?
Does Your Church Talk About Prison?
The disparities in America's criminal justice system find an echo in which churches do, and don't, discuss the issue.
Adding Criminal Justice Reform to Prison Ministry
Churches and ministries are becoming increasingly involved in prison reform.
How Churches Change the Equation for Life After Prison
One of the hardest days of incarceration may be the day it ends. The church can be there to make a difference.
The Stanford Rape Victim Said the Words I Couldn’t
Why we all should pay attention to her bold account.
What It Means to Burn Down a Black Church
Exploring the relentless tradition of arson in the US.
How One Rogersville Church Aided in Carlie Trent's Rescue
Pastor: “The longer things went unsolved, the bigger the burden.”
Shane Claiborne’s Passionate Plea Against the Death Penalty
The author and activist puts a human face on the capital punishment debate.
I Forgave My Teen Daughter’s Killer
The gospel taught me that forgiveness is not a pardon.
All the Justice Money Can Buy
From the ‘affluenza’ teen to Steven Avery, there’s a reason we care so much about a fair trial.
Too Poor to Get Out of Jail
How unjust police detention exploits the most vulnerable.
Are We Putting Too Much Faith in Video?
What you see isn't all you get.
Why True Crime Is Making a Comeback
We have all been Jinxed and Serialed.

Top Story June 17, 2024

Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
It’s okay to mourn what’s lost without losing hope for what’s to come.

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