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The Three-Letter Word That Undergirds Gospel Living
Loving across our differences requires the power of paradox.
Pastoring the One When You’d Rather Pastor the Ninety-Nine
Personal attention is a minister’s inefficient imperative.
The Disturbing Temptations of Pastoring in Obscurity
Leaving the limelight didn’t heal my pride; it only disguised it.
No, Pastor, We’re Not Always Right
More pastors get in trouble through pride and arrogance than maybe all other character deficits combined.
Ministry Lessons from the Life of Eugene Peterson
9 church leaders share what they learned through his books, letters, and friendship.
Weary in the Wilderness?
Pray, and don't give up on people.
John Inazu: Why I’m Still Confident About ‘Confident Pluralism’
The past two years have only strengthened my belief that tolerance, humility, and patience can help heal our fractious public life.
The Other Benedict Option: Humility
What a sixth-century monk can teach all of us about public engagement
Why Public Intellectuals Need Their Ivory Towers
Ta-Nehisi Coates’s departure from 'The Atlantic' reflects a growing crisis: Our digital age inhibits reliable and enduring insight.
Pastor, Take a Vacation—for the Good of Your Church
You are not the linchpin holding your congregation together.
Park Farthest Away: 5 Simple Pastoral Habits To Defy Our “Me First” Culture
Leadership is an opportunity to serve. Anyone who doesn’t see it that way is not a leader, just a boss.
Church Renovation Blind Spots
Why we sometimes miss obvious problems with our facilities.
3 Ways I’m Nurturing My Emotional Intelligence
A heart moved by the gospel will be stirred with empathy for others.
The Pastor's Currency Is Influence
Are you spending it wisely?
Walking in Billy’s Shoes
John Ortberg offers 6 lessons evangelical organizations can learn from Billy Graham and his team.
Christian Unity in Ashes
Ash Wednesday is an opportunity for Christians from many traditions to come together and recognize our need for Jesus.
How to Serve Your City When You Aren’t a Megachurch
Our resources are limited, but that hasn’t stopped us.
No, I Don’t Want to 'Shut Down an Atheist in 15 Seconds Flat!'
We need to stop celebrating the Christian shut-down expert. Jesus gave us a better way.
What Christians in the US Can Learn from Immigrant Pastors
For those who met Christ elsewhere, Americanized Christianity can look a bit strange.
Lost Keys and Lost Illusions
An excerpt from 'Liturgy of the Ordinary,' CT's 2018 Beautiful Orthodoxy Book of the Year.

Top Story June 17, 2024

Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
It’s okay to mourn what’s lost without losing hope for what’s to come.

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