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福音派應該謙卑地從不同的基督教傳統中學習 —— 然而許多人對新教誕生前的神學一無所知或抱持懷疑。
Faithful Orthodoxy Requires Reading Widely
Evangelicals should humbly learn from all Christian tradition—yet many are ignorant or suspicious of pre-Protestant theology.
Five Lesser-Known Children’s Fantasy Series That Point to the Gospel
Meet a new generation of authors picking up where Lewis and Tolkien left off.
C.S. Lewis Was a Modern Man Who Breathed Medieval Air
As both a writer and a scholar, his work hearkened back to a “slow, contemplative, symphonic world.”
탈동성애 운동 후에 오는 것은 무엇인가?
‘치료’보다 ‘돌봄’의 가치를 알고 있었던 이전의 전통 복음주의 지도자들
¿Qué viene después del movimiento exgay? Lo mismo que vino antes.
Los líderes evangélicos de la vieja escuela alguna vez conocieron el valor del «cuidado» sobre la «cura».
Bahkan di Masa Krisis, Belajar Tidaklah Pernah Sia-sia
COVID-19 bukanlah alasan untuk mengabaikan panggilan Tuhan untuk belajar.
Philip Yancey: God Can Love ‘A Cynical Sneak Like Me’
An excerpt from the best-selling author’s memoir, “Where the Light Fell.”
Paid Content
Paid Content for Fellowship for Performing Arts
Doubt That Led to Devotion
The untold story of C. S. Lewis
What Comes After the Ex-Gay Movement? The Same Thing That Came Before.
Old-school evangelical leaders once knew the value of “care” over “cure.”
Consejos prácticos de Escrutopo para afrontar el presente
Lo que el demonio mayor de la obra de C. S. Lewis recomendaría en respuesta a la pandemia de COVID-19.
Eternity in Our Heart
How Art Makes Us Long for Home
An Altar Call for Backsliding Book People
Two authors encourage Christians to rededicate themselves to attentive, artful reading.
Died: Walter Hooper, Who Gave His Life to C.S. Lewis’s Legacy
He kept works in print, edited new collections, and spent a lifetime meditating on everything written by the beloved British author.
Aprendizaje y creatividad: un llamado de Dios aun en tiempos de crisis
La pandemia no es excusa para descuidar el llamado de Dios a estudiar y aprender.
Mesmo em meio à crise, aprender nunca é perda de tempo.
A COVID-19 não é desculpa para negligenciar o chamado de Deus para estudar e aprender.
Died: Thomas Howard, Author Who Said ‘Evangelical Is Not Enough’
In spiritual memoirs, son of prominent Christian family wrote about finding the fullness of his childhood faith in the Catholic church.
Rediscovering the Pedagogical Power of Narnia
C. S. Lewis’s fiction can teach virtue, according to a new curriculum. But the true potential is so much more.

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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