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The Things We Do To Women
When churches use sexuality to foster and motivate male commitment, women find themselves on the losing end.
What Do Americans Actually Think About the Equality Act and Religious Liberty?
As with much polling, the devil is in the conveniently omitted details.
The Cohabitation Dilemma Comes for America’s Pastors
More evangelicals are living together before marriage. Church leaders struggle to respond.
Middle-Age Couples: Your Marriage Doesn’t Have to Be Stuck in Survival Mode
How the stresses and strains of aging can strengthen the bonds of love.
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Sex Is the Earthly Glow of the Heavenly City
How a lovestruck literature student learned that lesson while walking Oxford’s cobblestone streets.
Can the Church Save Marriage?
Matrimony rates are in decline, even among conservative Christians. Here’s what that means for the future.
Why Married Women Need More Male Friends
Christlikeness, not social distancing, is key to male-female contact in the church.
My Same-Sex Attraction Has an Answer
But it’s the answer God gives all of us.
To Touch or Not to Touch?
In an era of anxiety about personal boundaries and sexual signals, Jesus shows us how to minister to others with care and sensitivity.
Quick To ListenEpisode 191|52min
Christian Sex Ed in an Age of Ubiquitous Porn
How anxious parents should speak with their kids about a complicated topic.
Is Life Unsatisfying? Augustine Says, ‘You Are Not Alone.’
James K. A. Smith accompanies the church father on a journey through the human heart.
Polyamory: Pastors’ Next Sexual Frontier
These once-taboo relationships are showing up in churches across the US.
In the Face of Sexual Temptation, Repression Is a Sure-Fire Failure
How do we solve the problem of desire? Christian asceticism offers an alternative way.
Both Purity Culture and Hook-Up Culture Failed Me
Then I found church fellowship.
What Christians Really Think About the Church’s Relationship Advice
New survey research sheds light on how believers navigate the stickier matters of dating and marriage.
Meeting Jesus as a Black Woman in a White City
I asked God to rescue me from a place I hated. He wanted me to stay put.
Celibate Gay Christians: Neither Shockingly Conservative nor Worryingly Liberal
A new book uses stories and statistics to dispel stereotypes and suspicion.
A Major New Study Asks: How Does Church Affect Marital Health?
A recent report suggests that highly religious couples have better relationships and better sex. Domestic violence, however, is the same for them as their less religious neighbors.
I Used to Hide My Shame. Now I Take Shelter Under the Gospel.
How a gay atheist teenager discovered Jesus and stopped living undercover.

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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