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Myers-Briggs and Other Mirrors for the Soul
A new history of the ubiquitous personality test sheds light on what it can and can’t deliver.
Moms Who Miscarry Benefit from Going to Church, Research Shows
National study ties church participation to improved mental health after a miscarriage.
Study: US Churches Exclude Children with Autism, ADD/ADHD
Children with the greatest need for a supportive community were the most likely to feel unwelcome.
Guess Who’s Coming to Church: Multiracial Congregations Triple Among Protestants
Sociologists evaluate the progress and future of the evangelical push for church diversity.
Taking the Measure of Trump Country
A writer and a scholar attempt sympathetic portrayals of the president’s rural supporters, but their sympathy only extends so far.
Behavioral Science Catches Up to the Bible
Research is confirming ancient wisdom about human nature. But can it really make us better people?
Not-So-White Evangelicalism: How Conservative Denominations Actually Fare Better on Diversity
Study examines multiethnic friendships and worship among American churchgoers.
The Only Bright Spot in American Giving
Research highlights radical giving of poor and unpaid labor of women.
Study: Anti-Christian Bias Hasn’t Grown. It’s Just Gotten Richer.
New research nuances the American church’s “persecution complex.”
Why Christian Scholars Loved Peter Berger
His sympathetic treatment of faith made him a rock star among Christ-following academics.
Died: Peter Berger, Prominent Sociologist of Religion
(UPDATED) His work 'made all the theologians just want to be sociologists when they grew up.'
Why Even Pessimists Can Embrace Hope
A social psychologist explains why fear and hope often work as a team.
The Three Myths of Cohabitation
Sociologist Bradford Wilcox reports the surprising results of his new international study on cohabitation and its impact on kids.
Why a Christian Approach to Fighting Homelessness Pays Off
Study: Ministries saved taxpayers $119 million in 11 cities by offering both housing and healing.
Is the Way Our Cities Are Designed Keeping Us Apart?
How churches can benefit from a lesson in urban geography.
Are Religious Kids Meaner or Nicer?
A Christian sociologist responds to two contradictory studies and what they tell us about science.
How Science Became a Weapon in the Mommy Wars
Peer-reviewed research intensifies parenting debates… and can leave us even more confused.
Shane Claiborne’s Passionate Plea Against the Death Penalty
The author and activist puts a human face on the capital punishment debate.
A Unified Church Is Gospel Witness
In a society rife with racial conflict, US evangelicals are in a unique position to build cross-cultural bridges.
One Step Away from the Dumpster
Matthew Desmond takes an inside look at the inner-city nightmare of eviction.

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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