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Why You Can Still Bet Your Life on Christ
An updated version of Pascal’s wager offers a powerful argument for Christian commitment.
Sunday Service: 2026
Imagine the worship experience of the future.
Surprise Change in How Multiethnic Churches Affect Race Views
They’re now altering black attitudes more than white ones. But is that bad?
Segregated Surveys: How Politics Keeps Evangelicals White
You can disbelieve in God, never go to church, and still identify as "evangelical" in most polls. But if you're black and evangelical, you literally don't count.
A Survey Can Make You Less Moral
What behavioral economics has to do with scary statistics.
Study: Where Are the Women Leading Evangelical Organizations?
That's the mystery the Gender Parity Project, whose results debut this weekend, sets out to solve.
Michael Lindsay: Go Where Decisions Are Made
A Christian college president’s take on power, influence, and the habits of highly successful people.
Our Position on Missionaries
(Almost) everything you've heard about them is wrong.
It's Time to Talk about Power
How to recognize and use the gift that most eludes the church.
Why Intelligent People Are Less Likely to Be Religious
And how our expectations for Christians in education are changing.
Died: Robert Bellah, Sociologist Who Diagnosed American Civil Religion
(UPDATED) Author of 'Habits of the Heart' lamented decline of family and community—years before almost anyone else.
The Feel-Good Faith of Evangelicals
Are we really as “biblical” as we think we are?
Two Urban Manifestos for Evangelical Christians
Two new books locate Christians' presence in cities, but only one of them actually engages the city.
Who Volunteers the Most?
Graduates of Protestant high schools, apparently.
I Love You—I Just Don't Trust You
A new study finds a connection between trust and theology. An infographic.
What's Driving Evangelical Enthusiasm?
Data shows growing Catholic-evangelical "intensity gap"—but it doesn't indicate exactly why.
Why Americans Don't Think God Talk is Weird
Robert Wuthnow says modern believers maintain a creative tension between the worldviews of naturalism and religion.
The Other Side of the Culture War
Marching under the banner of "rationality," cultural progressives fear the public influence of religion—and often dislike religious people themselves
The Regnerus Affair
The embattled sociologist talks to CT about the controversy over his study of homosexuality and parenting.
The Spiritual Sex
Why are women better Christians than men?

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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