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Salvation Army Adapts to Historic Demand During Pandemic
One of the country’s top charities has added millions of meals and shelter beds despite a COVID-19 fundraising crunch.
True Worship Means Real Justice
Where in America can we see proof of righteousness and justice for disadvantaged racialized people?
Who Are the Most Generous? Not Who You’d Expect.
The secret to becoming a cheerful giver is to remember whom we are giving to.
When Not Helping Hurts
We’ve long preached sustainable development over handouts. The pandemic forces us to change our approach—for now.
In Inner-City Black Churches: More Grief, Fewer Resources, Stronger Faith
How the pandemic concentrated pressures on small churches—and how the body of Christ is stepping up to help, one $3,000 grant at a time.
A Christian Case for Reading Godless Books
Novels like "Girl, Woman, Other" offer something precious: passports to the worlds of unbelievers.
Quick To ListenEpisode 207|44min
Why Urban Churches Aren’t Staying Home
Many congregants have to work through the coronavirus. But their pastors can't afford a canceled service.
Be Careful About Reading the Bible as a Political Guide
Without a mature understanding of God’s purpose for governments, we’ll default to the commonplace views of our culture.
‘Parasite’ Is a Dark Comedy. But Is the Joke on Us?
What the Oscar-nominated film teaches us about classism, fear, and dependence on God.
Breaking Cycles
In the power of the resurrection cycles of poverty and addictions can be broken.
Jesus Came to Proclaim Good News to the Poor. But Now They’re Leaving Church.
The income gap in the US corresponds with a church attendance gap.
Want to Expand Your Global Vision? Read These Books.
8 reading recommendations for a ministry-focused life.
We’re Misreading the Bible on Laziness
Scripture warns against sloth—and against using it to explain away oppression.
David Platt: In a Tiny House on a Remote Mountainside, I Saw the Church as God Designed It
Those who come have very little. But they have everything they need.
Pro-Lifers: Remember This Phrase from Pope Francis
Whatever our differences with Catholic social teaching, we should echo his opposition to “throwaway culture.”
Put Not Your Trust in Credentials
Chris Arnade’s moving account of “back-row America” made me reconsider my own definition of success.
Pete Buttigieg Brings Proverbs Into the Democratic Debate
Searches for the lesser-known verse tripled on Bible Gateway.
A New Recipe for Ending Hunger
We have a crisis too large for any one church, nonprofit, or government agency to handle on its own, says food policy expert Jeremy Everett.
How Can Today’s Pro-Life Christians Build Trust in the Movement?
Four leaders share their vision for what demonstrating pro-life convictions really looks like.
The Most Effective Response to Poverty? Worshipping the True God
Even more than better systems and better policies, we need better theology.

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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