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La repentance est aussi horizontale que verticale.
Préparer nos cœurs pour le Seigneur, c’est aussi aimer l’autre.
Les jeunes hommes ont besoin de modèles, pas de surhommes.
L’Église ne peut pas rivaliser avec les influenceurs de la « manosphère ». Mais elle n’en a pas besoin.
How to Talk to a Christian-Curious Agnostic
A new breed of secular seeker is replacing the New Atheists. But how can we reach them?
Do Christians Belong in Southeast Asia? Pew Polled Buddhists and Muslims
[UPDATED] New religion survey of 13,000 adults across six nations examines conversion, karma, and compatibility with national identity.
Where Ya From?Episode 51|1 hr 7min
Would Jesus Eat Frybread? with Renee Begay
How our cultural traditions and heritage can give us more confidence as we embrace our new lives in Christ.
How Christians Can Break the Stronghold of a Curse-Informed Worldview
A Nigerian pastor refuses to live his life by this framework—and he wants to help the African church get there too.
Dozens of North Carolina Methodist Churches Join Over 6,000 Leaving Denomination
After their lawsuit was dismissed earlier this year, the group of 36 congregations will disaffiliate in November according to the UMC’s exit plan.
4 in 10 Evangelicals Say They’ve Been Visited by the Dead
Despite Scripture’s warning against communication from beyond the grave, most consider hearing from loved ones to be a comfort in their grief.
Ікона Трійці вилучена з російського музею
Та інші новини з життя християн з усього світу.
Икона Троицы изъята из российского музея
И другие новости из жизни христиан по всему миру.
Putting Christian and Missionary Alliance Theology in Song
What if worship music got a little more denominationally specific? A new artists’ collective is experimenting with that.
New Yorkers Watch as Their Only Evangelical Colleges Close
The abrupt departure of Alliance University and The King’s College leaves a hole in an influential city.
Looking for a Detox for Unhealthy Masculinity
And other responses to our July/August issue.
Colombian Christians Preached Social Justice. Practicing It Is Harder.
The birthplace of “integral mission” is also the epicenter of a migration crisis. It’s difficult to get local churches to care.
Praise Him with Harp and Tuba?
When SBC worship leaders look to their congregations for musical talent, this is what they find.
My High Priest Understands My Pain
Jesus’ mercy is in his complete understanding of our hurt, not only in his ability to solve it.
Culture War Is Not Spiritual Warfare
Our ideological opponents are not the enemy.
I Hadn’t Committed Suicide. But I Was Spiritually Dead.
The prison ID’ed the wrong man. But the mistake was powerfully revealing.

Top Story June 2, 2024

Pakistan’s Christians Fear Forced Marriages. Punjab Court Ruling Brings New Hope
Pakistan’s Christians Fear Forced Marriages. Punjab Court Ruling Brings New Hope
Church leaders and human rights experts weigh in on whether raising the legal age is sufficient in shielding minors.

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