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Сі Цзіньпін не намагається зробити християнство більш китайським
Основною метою Чжунго Хуа є не культурна асиміляція, а політичне одомашнення. Проте я як ніколи впевнений, що домашні церкви виживуть.
Си Цзиньпин не пытается сделать христианство более китайским
Основной целью Чжунго Хуа является не культурная ассимиляция, а политическое одомашнивание. Однако я как никогда уверен, что домашние церкви выживут.
Super Bowl Gambling Grows, But Pastors Are on the Sidelines
A surge in betting on the Vegas-based game between Kansas City and San Francisco has not pushed church leaders to speak about the issue.
Reading the Old Testament Through Ancient Egyptian Eyes
Learning about the land of Pharaoh helps us understand the people of Israel in their context.
The Cross Is Poetically Profound. But Prose Can Help Us See It Clearly.
Brian Zahnd’s meditation on cruciformity is theologically rich, but sometimes theologically risky.
The Selfish Ambition of Our Immigration Debate
Migrants, border states, and sanctuary cities alike are suffering because of our leaders’ spiteful rivalries.
Cancelar a participação de Douglas Wilson na Consciência Cristã foi uma decisão política ou bíblica?
O debate em torno do polêmico pastor reflete um senso maior da polarização no Brasil.
Megaiglesias brasileñas se convirtieron en plantadoras de iglesias a nivel global
Sus congregaciones satélite están surgiendo donde sea que han encontrado una masa crítica, ya sea Florida, Portugal o Kazajstán.
Viral JesusEpisode 109|37min
Why Ally Henny Won’t Shut Up
Unmuting women’s voices in Scripture, the church, and society.
What’s the Impact of Asbury’s Outpouring? John the Baptist Offers 3 Lessons
How the prophet’s ministry helps us understand what may come next a year after revival broke out.
How Indigenous Conflicts in Chile Ended up Targeting Christians
Mapuche attacks against the government and environmental companies have included the arson of numerous churches.
The Case for a Journalism Tithe
Not a literal 10 percent—but the long Christian tradition of patronage of truth-seeking writers and artists is worth preserving.
Brazil’s Doug Wilson Debacle Revives Debate Over Cancel Culture
Is dropping the controversial American pastor from a conference a biblical move or a political one?
Work Matters to God Because We Matter
The creation mandate fills a hole in the faith and work movement.
Even Atheist Chinese Scholars Admire Alvin Plantinga
The analytical philosopher’s Reformed epistemology is greatly helpful for Christian apologetics and theological education in China.
Cuando la misericordia de Dios parece una mala noticia
Cuando nos sintamos abrumados por la oscuridad que nos rodea, recordemos que nuestro Dios es paciente.
The Russell Moore ShowEpisode 91|45min
Christian Wiman’s Work Against Despair
The poet and professor explores pain, preaching, and pursuing joy.
Where Ya From?Episode 60|1 hr
‘Your Desires, God’s Plans’ with Katara Washington Patton
What does it mean to “navigate the blues” with Christ as the center? Author Katara Washington Patton draws from lived experience to help readers face depression and anxiety.

Top Story April 27, 2024

Where Worship Doesn’t Translate
Where Worship Doesn’t Translate
How groups like Hillsong learned to let go of the literal in favor of creative collaboration.

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