
No Longer Unashamed
Certain shame can push us to repentance and our God of grace.
A Field Guide for Suffering Well
Finding beauty and blessings in our spiritual deserts.
Who is the Sabbath for?
Some thoughts on the differences in the Biblical accounts of the Sabbath commandment, and on why that matters to us now.
Theology of the Imagination
How our very-real God loves an active, creative mind.
Fatherhood's Call to Duty
A love that knows its responsibilities.
Confessions of a Bad Dad
What gave me hope despite my repeated parenting failures.
It's Never Too Late to Become a Great Dad
Focus on the Family’s Jim Daly has an encouraging message for fathers: You’re not defined by your past.
Beyond Buddha to Beloved
How I became the first-ever Christian in my family lineage.
Why ‘God and the Gay Christian’ Is Wrong About the Bible and Same-Sex Relationships
Matthew Vines rehashes older arguments for a modern audience. But those arguments still don’t square with Scripture.
Jesus Never Said, 'Be True to Yourself'
So where does desire fit with God’s will?
Breaking All the Barriers
How the Spirit at Pentecost decimated humanity’s dividing walls.
Kids--Naked and Unashamed
For years, I’ve erred on the side of modesty. Maybe we need a little nudity after all.
The Teetotalers I Never Knew
Abstaining Christian activists of previous generations were radically committed to the common good.
Why I Gave Up Alcohol
In a rush to shed our separatist past, have young evangelicals forgotten to love their neighbors?
Did Jesus Make Mistakes?
Mark Driscoll says yes, though Jesus never sinned. Experts weigh in.
Does Grief Ever Go Away?
What if grief could be more like embarking on a sturdy sailboat for a journey and less like capsizing in a tsunami? A guest post by Jonalyn Fincher
Tim Keller: Emotion Isn't the Caboose to Faith
Tim Keller says Christianity needs to make emotional sense before it can make rational sense.
Giving Thanks for Gratitude
Peter Leithart explores the history of a virtue with revolutionary social potential.
Real Transformation Happens When?
In the TGC/Tullian Tchividjian dustup, I’m not hearing much about a key part of the gospel.
Want a Better Devotional Life? Buy a Bird Feeder
What my grandfather and my son taught me about patience, love, and a gentle spirit.

Top Story May 28, 2024

World Vision Appeals Employment Discrimination Case to Ninth Circuit
World Vision Appeals Employment Discrimination Case to Ninth Circuit
Federal appeals courts are starting to wrestle with how nondiscrimination laws apply to religious organizations when it comes to sexual orientation and gender identity.

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