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The Church Needs Better Critics (9 Ways to Win Hearts, not Just Arguments)
As Christians – especially Christian leaders – our criticism should elevate the conversation, not debase it.
Stop Leading from a Scarcity Mindset
With God, there’s more than enough (gifts, opportunities, ministries, work) to go around.
The Tenacity of Women Leaders
Being a woman leader is hard, yet so many of you courageously live out your calling—and I’m thankful.
When Calling Causes Conflict
Many women face opposition in their calling—whether overt, covert, or internal.
Our Best on Responding to Conflict and Crisis
The best training tools to handle church conflict appropriately.
Overcoming Gender Bias
Melinda Gates on how to be a successful woman leader
Rise Above the Double Standard
Women leaders are forced to find an impossible golden mean between too much and not enough.
Have Coffee With a Radical: The Value of Listening to People We Disagree With
If we’re only hearing from people who think like us, we're missing out on a lot. Politically, theologically and relationally.
Making Space for Women Leaders in the Church
The day my bubble burst about women in ministry.
Overlooked: When Women Are Passed Over for Leadership
Research suggests a reason for this phenomenon beyond the glass ceiling.
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