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Time to Stop Worrying
It’s about who God is, not who we are
Friday Five
Loving Our LGBT Neighbors . . . Without an Agenda
An Interview with Glenn Stanton
Has Accountability Disappeared from the Church?
It’s no wonder we’ve lost our influence
Can We Stop the Fall from Grace?
It’s unwise to believe we can fight temptation in our own power.
When Sin Works
Manipulation and coercion can help you succeed in ministry, but the tradeoff is hell.
Pastoring Your Church through a Leader’s Misconduct
Tips for a redemptive response
Great Churches Emphasize What They're For, Not What They're Against
It's possible for people to agree with your list of sins and still not have a relationship with Jesus
Grieving with Charleston
What five pastors will be telling their congregations about the massacre at Emanuel Church.
When One of Us Falls
5 pastors share how they react when a high-profile Christian leader has a moral failing.
When a Same-Sex Couple Asks ‘Will You Marry Us?’
However we respond, let's communicate love.
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