Politics+Current Affairs

A Second Chance for Elijah Gabriel
A snapshot of Christian witness in the world (as it appeared in our June issue).
Gleanings: June 2015
Important developments in the church and the world (as they appeared in our June issue).
400 Down, More to Follow
Government removes crosses from ‘China’s Jerusalem.’
Hidden Casualties
How to see and serve veterans this summer.
Evangelicals Denounce Payday Lending, Join Fight for New Regulations
Unusual faith coalition calls on Congress to limit payday loans.
Overworked, Underpaid, and Cautious about Science
A look at how evangelicals fared in the General Social Survey.
Josh Duggar of '19 Kids and Counting' Apologizes, Resigns after Reports of Molesting 5 Young Girls
Police investigated sexual assaults in 2006, but no charges were brought against Duggar. TLC pulls program from its lineup.
The Key to Prosperity
It's not knowledge or work ethic, it turns out.
Forgiving Her Sister's Murderer, Face to Face
Attorney Jeanne Bishop has helped thousands of clients make amends for their crimes. Now she’s helping the man who killed her sister make amends for his.
On Their Side: A Public Defender's Work to Humanize Her Clients
How the murder of her sister spurred Jeanne Bishop to grapple not only with Christian forgiveness but also with her vocation.
Why Boko Haram and ISIS Target Women
The oldest way to spread a religion is not to evangelize people; it’s to create new ones.
Died: John ‘Jack’ Templeton Jr., Foundation President Who Backed Science-Religion Research
Leader died two days before $1.7 million Templeton Prize was awarded to Jean Vanier, founder of L’Arche communities.
Why 'Overpaying' Workers Makes Biblical and Business Sense
Defending the $70,000 minimum wage.
Sister Momeka: Liberate Christian Lands from ISIS
(UPDATED) After State Department approves visit, nun tells US congressmen that Iraqi Christians wish to return home.
Cancer Causes InterVarsity President Alec Hill to Leave Campus Ministry Early
Major campus ministry 'enters leadership transition.'
Richard John Neuhaus, Warts and All
A new biography captures the life and times of a brilliant, headstrong champion of faith in the public square.
International Mission Board Drops Ban on Speaking in Tongues
New rules also loosen restrictions on baptism, divorce, and parents of teenagers.
US House Bans 20-Week Abortions on Kermit Gosnell Anniversary
(UPDATED) Boehner calls bill 'the most pro-life legislation to ever come before this body.'
Christian College President Quits After Attempted Layoff of Pro-Evolution Professor
(UPDATED) Trustees stand by decision to drop Tom Oord.
David Brooks: We Need to Start Talking about Sin and Righteousness Again
The New York Times columnist asks what it takes to build character in a 'Big Me' culture.

Top Story June 3, 2024

Francis Collins’s New Project: Eliminate Hepatitis C
Francis Collins’s New Project: Eliminate Hepatitis C
The Christian doctor and researcher sees a “moral imperative” in destroying a curable fatal illness. Other countries are on track to erase it, but not the United States.

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