Politics+Current Affairs

Onward 'Christian Soldiers': First American Volunteer Dies Fighting ISIS
Some of the foreign fighters flocking to Iraq and Syria are taking the side of persecuted Christians.
Elisabeth Elliot's Strong Views Were Not About Women Only
Swimming against the stream is always hard. An interview with Elisabeth Elliot.
Teaching Teenagers to Manage Invisible Money
With spending a click away, our financial lessons are even more urgent.
Why Bloggers Are Calling It Quits
The Internet can be a rough place for writers.
Sex, Drugs, and Getting Old
The cost of turning to prescriptions promising to keep us young.
People Over Profit: Easier Said Than Done
Even good-hearted entrepreneurs run into practical complications.
Understanding the Transgender Phenomenon
The leading Christian scholar on gender dysphoria defines the terms—and gives the church a way forward.
The Last Gasp of the Cradle Christians?
The American church has a key role in rescuing, restoring, and returning Christians and other religious minorities who have fled ISIS.
Getting a Handle on Boko Haram
What we know, and what we don’t, about Nigeria’s brutal band of Islamists.
Leaning In to Our Grief
What Sheryl Sandberg teaches us about tragedy.
How Evangelicalism Built Its Brand Loyalty
It all goes back to the smiling gentleman on the Quaker Oats label.
Duggars Blame Critics for ‘Unprecedented Attack’ on Their Faith and Family
In Fox News interview, reality star parents say media reports further victimize their daughters.
Why Christian Education in Israel Could Vanish
Forty-eight Christian schools say unfair treatment by government may force them to close.
The Problem with 'Mad Max' Feminism
Is men’s propensity for violence really something to be imitated?
Creflo Dollar’s Board Apologizes for Plane Fundraising Video
Ministry still plans to tap its 3 million donors for a new plane.
Former House Speaker Indicted, Resigns from Wheaton Advisory Board
Update: Wheaton drops Denny Hastert's name from public policy center.
Nebraska Death Penalty Repealed with Outspoken Christian Support
Evangelical, Catholic, mainline leaders openly endorse measure.
Why Reality TV Can’t Handle the Josh Duggar Scandal
It’s time for ’19 Kids and Counting’ to come to an end.
A Second Chance for Elijah Gabriel
A snapshot of Christian witness in the world (as it appeared in our June issue).

Top Story June 2, 2024

Pakistan’s Christians Fear Forced Marriages. Punjab Court Ruling Brings New Hope
Pakistan’s Christians Fear Forced Marriages. Punjab Court Ruling Brings New Hope
Church leaders and human rights experts weigh in on whether raising the legal age is sufficient in shielding minors.

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