Politics+Current Affairs

No Worship Services in Public Schools, New York Mayor Tells Supreme Court
(UPDATED) Bill de Blasio campaigned on the promise of letting churches rent school space. Now he’s asking the Supreme Court to prohibit it.
Why Women Turn to Terrorism
And how the church can offer a different way.
Tending the 'Stolen' Sheep in Latin America's Booming Bible Belt
Catholics may be fast converting to Protestantism, but beliefs and maturity vary.
50: The Best the March for Life Movement Can Ever Hope For?
The last time pro-life politicians had this much political power, states passed record restrictions on abortion. But new rulings suggest a stopping point.
A Working Mom's Reflections on the State of the Union
Why I support Obama's proposals for increased childcare.
Christians Celebrate Supreme Court Approval of Religious Prison Beards
'No religion is an island,' says Becket Fund after successfully defending Muslim prisoner.
Scores of Churches Destroyed by Charlie Hebdo Protests in Niger
Cover cartoon of Prophet Muhammad unsettles African nation's two largest cities.
Is Buying Your Way Onto the Bestseller List Wrong?
A year after Mark Driscoll's church got caught manipulating the New York Times list, authors and publishers question a practice that extends far beyond Mars Hill.
Why Faithful Foodies Might Consider Less Meat
Reducetarianism holds a familiar lesson: Everything in moderation.
Rebuilding Ferguson, Residents Seek Local Leadership
Pastors, ministry leaders, and others emphasize community-led efforts.
This MLK Day Feels Different
A reflection on recent tensions and a renewed sense of hope.
Harmony on Earth
On MLK Day, Rethinking Racial Integration
Duke vs. Franklin Graham: Which Christian Spaces Are Off-Limits to Muslim Worship?
Call-to-prayer controversy at university chapel prompts debate over sharing sacred space.
Why We Need Rich Christians
Excessive wealth isn’t good for anybody, unless it’s used for good for everybody.
The Instant Gratification of #JeSuisCharlie
Waiting for deeper engagement amid our hashtag activism.
The Good News Hiding Beneath the Headlines
As we begin another year, Philip Yancey reminds us: Grace hasn’t vanished.
Relief in Wartime Chaos
Fleeing violence, nearly 1.3 million Syrians and Iraqis are now living in Jordan. How local and global leaders are meeting their needs.
On Our Daughter’s Ninth Birthday, No Thoughts of Who She ‘Might Have Been’
The biggest problem with prenatal testing for Down syndrome.
Signs of Belief: How a Small Dispute over Church Marketing Became Supremely Important
The curious Supreme Court case of a 30-person church in Gilbert, Arizona.
Dressed for Death: The History of Funeral Fashion
Looking back to when mourning attire was as heavy and dark as grief itself.

Top Story June 2, 2024

Pakistan’s Christians Fear Forced Marriages. Punjab Court Ruling Brings New Hope
Pakistan’s Christians Fear Forced Marriages. Punjab Court Ruling Brings New Hope
Church leaders and human rights experts weigh in on whether raising the legal age is sufficient in shielding minors.

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