Church Life+Ministry

Why Christians Should Stop Caring About So Many Causes
True transformation takes focus, not capricious compassion.
Between Two Cultures: How Latina Christians Approach Leadership
Yvette Santana pilots a new project to coalesce Hispanic women.
Actually, Eugene Peterson Does Not Support Same-Sex Marriage
(UPDATED) In retraction, popular author affirms 'a biblical view of everything'—including marriage.
The CallingEpisode 49|43min
Tessa Afshar Writes in Search of Sacred Romance
The biblical fiction author shares how reading romance novels revealed her need for a loving Savior.
Belong Tour Canceled by New Owners
Jen Hatmaker broke the news a month before the first event.
What Young Black Women Need from Their Black Brothers—and the Church
African American women still face significant challenges in their relationships with men.
What the Single in Your Pew Needs from You
Singles are on the rise. Here’s what forward-looking churches need to know.
The Refugee Ban Is Back, But Church Connections Might Trump It
World Relief wants clarification over today’s big Supreme Court decision.
Finding My ‘True Self’ as a Same-Sex Attracted Woman
In my young-adult struggle with sexual identity, both legalistic condemnation and progressive license left me floundering.
Should Christians Join Muslims in Breaking Ramadan’s Daily Fast?
In the Middle East, Christians even host iftars.
Our July/Aug Issue: The Upside of Disruption
How unwelcome change can lead to a fuller life.
Want to Help Christians Stay in the Middle East? Start with Your Vacation.
Both pilgrims and pleasure seekers allow Arab believers to resist exodus amid ISIS.
Are Christians Donating Too Directly to Missions?
When helping hurts the professional helpers.
How God Sent His Word to An Iraqi Interpreter
I saw an American soldier reading his Bible, and I wanted to know more.
Do We Need a Stronger Word for 'Faith'?
Why theologian Matthew Bates would have evangelicals profess ‘allegiance’ to Christ.
Why Churches Should Give Gifted Women a Chance
God's people can't unite against the Enemy when half of them are on the sidelines.
3 Ways to Prevent Bible Study Dropouts
What really keeps us engaged with the discipline of studying Scripture.
How Discipleship Is Transforming Nairobi, One Woman at a Time
Women in urban East Africa face challenges that are both unique and universal.
The CallingEpisode 47|56min
Kristie Anyabwile: Pastors' Wives Are Disciple Makers, Too
Her husband is a minister, but she isn't interested in being her church's "first lady."
Wait Upon the Drop
Why churches are turning to club music to elevate praise.

Top Story June 17, 2024

Died: Disgraced Southern Baptist Leader Paul Pressler
Died: Disgraced Southern Baptist Leader Paul Pressler
The Texas judge behind the political strategy for the “conservative resurgence” molested and assaulted teenage boys, according to allegations eight men made in court.

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