Church Life+Ministry

Creflo Dollar’s Board Apologizes for Plane Fundraising Video
Ministry still plans to tap its 3 million donors for a new plane.
Brothers, We Are Not Managers
We have forgotten the Bible’s rich language for loving the church.
The Church Is The Greatest Movie Trailer Ever
How the church can be a foretaste of heaven.
Sexed-Up Culture Ruined Healthy Male-Female Work Relationships
The importance of both genders partnering in ministry.
Should Christians Confront Mormon Missionaries When They Knock on the Front Door?
Three views.
The Great Omission Becomes the Great Commission
How God used the great church destroyer Saul to become the great multiethnic church planter.
Under Discussion: Should Churches Dim the Lights for Worship?
Does low lighting set a better mood, or mimic entertainment too much? Experts weigh in.
Remembering the Gospel with Alzheimer’s
Christian psychologist: ‘God has a way to reach them’
Why It’s a Good Time to Be a Christian Woman
New opportunities affirm the unique giftedness we’ve always had.
How I Escaped from North Korea
And the crucial role the Chinese church played.
The Christians Who Annoy Us Are the Christians We Need Most
Why learning from those outside your tribe is essential to the church’s witness.
The Church Is Your Mom
Maybe not a perfect mother, but a mother worth celebrating nonetheless.
Marriage Is Like a Garden
How to cultivate love and root out weeds in your marriage.
Jon Acuff Starts Over
The funny man, former Dave Ramsey team member, and self-development expert is on to his next gig.
What Christians Can Learn from Secular Business Thinking
Do good and serve others: Biblical lessons from unlikely places.
Theology Feud Pits Half of Town's Protestant Churches Against Another
Coordinated sermon series against ‘progressive Christianity’ seeks to ‘demonstrate the unity of the body of Christ.’
All God’s Children: The Spiritual Cost of Opportunity Inequality
Christians help bridge the gap by making the local church really local.
How Extreme Is Your Love?
The world needs people who love their enemies like Christ.
David Platt: Urgency for the Gospel Led to Policy Changes
IMB president says changes will help unite Southern Baptists on mission.
Cancer Causes InterVarsity President Alec Hill to Leave Campus Ministry Early
Major campus ministry 'enters leadership transition.'

Top Story June 17, 2024

Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
It’s okay to mourn what’s lost without losing hope for what’s to come.

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