Church Life+Ministry

Constant Reminders
When we are reminded that we are not home yet, Jesus’ grace is sufficient.
Pro-Evolution Tenured Professor Laid Off from Nazarene University
(UPDATED) President puts Tom Oord's termination on hold after three-quarters of faculty vote 'no confidence.'
Joy for a Little Girl with Autism
Everyone can experience God’s presence through worship
Religious Fiction Sales Nosedive, Non-Fiction Soars
Bibles and religious non-fiction, including “heaven tourism” books, jump up 12 percent.
Sometimes, Kids Don’t Need to Share
If we want to teach our children generosity, we shouldn’t force them to take turns.
Five Ways to Cut to the Heart of Non-Christian Ideas
Nancy Pearcey equips believers with tools to expose error and promote truth.
The Apologist Mom
Why Melissa Cain Travis thinks it's crucial for her to be a mother and an apologetics scholar.
Adoption Doesn’t ‘Fix’ Kids
Responding to childhood trauma with Christ’s love, not tough love.
Oxford's Unapologetic Female Apologist
Amy Orr-Ewing proclaims the faith, once the bedrock of Britain, to an audience wanting more than rationalism.
Holy Smartphones, and Five Other Things You May Have Missed from Easter 2015
Americans say Jesus was real, but they're less sure he's God.
Meet the Women Apologists
Apologetics has long been a bastion of men—until now.
Deep Calls Out to Deep, but I Long to Stay Shallow
What spring break taught me about God.
Keep the Easter Spirit Alive
How physical celebrations can lead to spiritual transformations.
More Than Forgiven
In Christ, we become the very righteousness of God himself.
Here’s the Best Prediction Yet of How Christianity and Islam Will Change Worldwide by 2050
Pew Research examines influence of births vs. conversions, and how China could change everything.
Died: Robert Schuller, Forerunner of the Seeker-Sensitive Movement
The legacy of the audacious and optimistic TV preacher has much to teach Christians about missional creativity and loving those far away from the church.
Grace and More Grace
A look at the unfair mathematics of grace.
When True Love Keeps Waiting
What celibacy feels like for older singles.
The Need for Spiritual End-of-Life Care
Prayer and a ministry of presence can make an eternal difference.
Are You Ashamed of the Gospel?
There is power in the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Top Story June 2, 2024

Pakistan’s Christians Fear Forced Marriages. Punjab Court Ruling Brings New Hope
Pakistan’s Christians Fear Forced Marriages. Punjab Court Ruling Brings New Hope
Church leaders and human rights experts weigh in on whether raising the legal age is sufficient in shielding minors.

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