Church Life+Ministry

Faith Healing: How Local Churches Are Stepping into Health Care's Gaps
The innovative Congregational Health Network in Memphis relies on local congregations to take care of their members.
Founder of Singapore's Largest Megachurch Arrested Over Wife's Pop Music Outreach
(UPDATED) City Harvest Church says it is "saddened" by the resignation of Chew Eng Han, a co-defendant in the church's embezzlement suit.
Why Catholics and Evangelicals Can Be United Against Nihilism
Chuck Colson's vision for Christian unity and full-orbed reform lives on.
The Art of Loving Your Neighbor
Dave Runyon puts the Great Commandment in action.
Should Churches Abandon Travel-Intensive Short-Term Missions in Favor of Local Projects?
Three missions experts weigh in.
They're Playing Our Song: The Secret Multiracial Churches Know About Music
It's not the style or quality of musical performance that brings multiracial churches together, but a commitment to common participation.
Southern Baptists Debate the Sinner's Prayer
After David Platt called it "superstitious," resolution says it's no incantation.
Southern Baptists Elect First Black President
Former street preacher Fred Luter brought his mostly black New Orleans congregation back from near annihilation after Hurricane Katrina.
Nuns Facing the Ruler: A Protestant Perspective on the Vatican Conflict with the Sisters
Are American nuns free to reject church discipline and stay Catholic?
Should Denominations Be Organized Geographically?
Observers weigh in.
As Baptists Prepare to Meet, Calvinism Debate Shifts to Heresy Accusation
Hundreds, including seminary presidents, have signed a statement on salvation criticized by both Reformed and Arminian theologians.
Roundup of Fresh Stats on America’s Largest Protestant Denomination
Southern Baptist tally second-worst year for baptisms in 60 years. But also almost 1,000 new church plants and $26 million increase in giving.
When Dad Is in Prison
Mentoring programs for children of prisoners let faith flourish after federal cutback.
Who Should Control .Church Websites?
Applicants have been revealed for new religious domain names, including .church, .bible, and .catholic.
Fred Luter's Southern Baptist Presidency Is About More than Race
United enthusiasm for the denomination's first African-American head signals other demographic changes, too, insiders say.
Who Are the Copts?
Egypt's embattled Christians find common identity across denominational lines.
Jerry Sandusky Charity Transferring $2 Million to Christian Foster Care Agency
The Second Mile couldn't survive donor fallout from sex abuse scandal at Penn State football program.
Steve Saint Partly Paralyzed Testing New Missionary Tech
Son of martyred missionary Nate Saint invented flying car to advance indigenous missions.
By Grace You Are Mature
We don't grow out of spiritual adolescence by trying to grow up.
Why the NAE Issued a Clergy Code of Ethics
Uncertainty on issues like use of time, family obligations, plagiarism, and pornography sparked a call for a broad statement, says Luder Whitlock.

Top Story June 18, 2024

Died: Disgraced Southern Baptist Leader Paul Pressler
Died: Disgraced Southern Baptist Leader Paul Pressler
The Texas judge behind the political strategy for the “conservative resurgence” molested and assaulted teenage boys, according to allegations eight men made in court.

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