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Southern Baptists Torn Between Bold Abuse Reforms and Caution
President J. D. Greear wants 10 churches investigated; Executive Committee subgroup wants only 3. But both agree on Sovereign Grace.
Gospel for Asia Settles Lawsuit with $37 Million Refund to Donors
Major ministry ends class action with no acknowledgment of guilt and gives board seat to plaintiff.
Willow Creek Investigation: Allegations Against Bill Hybels Are Credible
Independent Advisory Group releases report backing claims of pastor's “sexually inappropriate words and actions.”
United Methodists Vote to Keep Traditional Marriage Stance
The UMC’s increasingly global delegation outweighs US push to shift LGBT positions, leading some progressive congregations to leave.
Cuban Christians Unite Against New Constitution
Before the vote passed, evangelicals flexed unprecedented political might in a controversial campaign opposing a new definition of marriage and other national reforms.
United Methodists’ LGBT Vote Will Reshape the Denomination
Pulled right and left by various factions of the global church, the UMC’s decision-making body meets this weekend to pick a path forward.
From Mars Hill to Harvest: Hope for a Wounded Church
How Christians care for one another when their leaders fall.
Christianity Today Appoints Timothy Dalrymple as New President and CEO
He succeeds Harold Smith, who retires May 1.
Southern Baptists Want to Expel Churches Over Abuse
President J. D. Greear announces a batch of new proposals, reiterating that congregations that cover up incidents have “no place” in the SBC.
Small Town Pastors See More Than Small Wonders
Rural ministry is experiencing a resurgence in the US even as economic and demographic numbers continue their decline.
Gleanings: March 2019
Important developments in the church and the world (as they appeared in our March issue).
Can Restoring the Jordan River Build Peace in the Holy Land?
Christians explore how ecological work can support the gospel mission.
Hashtag Missions: How Social Media Is Reshaping Conferences
Gen Z’s digital natives bring followers along for the experience.
Who’s Searching for ‘Love’ Online? Bible Readers
The fruit of the Spirit is No. 1 at Bible Gateway—in both English and Spanish queries.
40 Years Later, Iran’s Islamic Revolution Feels Threatened by House Churches
Mass crowds celebrate 1979 uprising as Christian watchdogs lament surge in arrests.
James MacDonald Fired from Harvest
Leak of “highly inappropriate” comments by founding pastor of Chicago-area megachurch caps months-long clash with critics.
After Major Investigation, Southern Baptists Confront the Abuse Crisis They Knew Was Coming
The Houston Chronicle and San Antonio Express-News collect 380 allegations spanning 20 states in an unprecedented look at sexual misconduct across the denomination.
Died: Yechiel Eckstein, Rabbi Who Rallied Evangelical Support for Israel
Founder of the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews overcame longstanding tensions and brought in $140 million a year for Holy Land projects.
Half of Millennial Christians Say It’s Wrong to Evangelize
Survey finds young believers want others to know about Jesus. They just don’t want to speak up about it.
Francis of Arabia: Will UAE’s Warm Welcome Help Christians Feel More at Home?
Religious freedom on the agenda as pope leads largest-ever Christian gathering in the heart of Islam.

Top Story June 17, 2024

Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
It’s okay to mourn what’s lost without losing hope for what’s to come.

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