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Actually, Evangelicals Were Quite Enthusiastic About Romney
Two new reports shine new light on what happened in last month's election.
Post-Election Fight over the 'Evangelical' Brand
Jim Daly, other leaders want 'evangelical' to be less about politics.
After Election 2012: Living in the 'New Moral Landscape'
A roundup of post-election buzz and responses.
In Defeats, Evangelicals' Political Unity at All-Time High
In three decades, born-again voters have gone from an even split to 4-to-1 Republican.
What I Will Teach My Children About Our President
My kids don't know much about our president, and I'm glad they don't have to.
Voting with Queen Esther on Election Day
Why we need her witness especially today.
What to Watch For on Election Night
Important races, ballot initiatives, and exit poll questions.
This (Ambiguous) Political Life
What it means for the church to be involved in politics.
How to Approach Politics After November 6
Meet 7 Christians who engage politically beyond checking a ballot box.
Are 22% of Pastors Really Undecided Voters?
Why nearly 1 of 4 say they don't know how they'll vote when only 4% of Americans overall say so.
Your Guide to Christian Voting Guides
Which flyer should you take with you into the voting booth?
Why the IRS Has Stopped Auditing Churches—Even One that Calls President Obama a Muslim
Decision on who can authorize investigations of churches that influence voters is frozen for foreseeable future.
Everything Our Politicians Need To Know They Should Have Learned in Kindergarten
When it comes to civil government and common courtesy, it’s not Obama or Romney who need reminders. The people who need a reminder of putting the common good ahead of self-preservation, a reminder of compromise, a reminder of telling the truth and sharing, are our representatives serving in Congress.
Has Billy Graham Suddenly Turned Political?
Graham's biographer, spokesman, and a historian discuss the evangelist's recent ads and statements.
Why Pro-Life Leaders Aren't Worried About Romney
His muted opposition to abortion is necessary pragmatism, they say.
After Romney Meeting, Billy Graham Site Scrubs Mormon 'Cult' Reference
BGEA says it wants to stay out of politicized theological debate.
What is Romney's Legislative Agenda on Abortion?
Abortion remains a hot-button issue in the presidential campaign.
The Real Differences Between Mormons and Orthodox Christians
And whether they really matter in the presidency.
Evangelical Support for Romney Tops Out
Winning mainline Protestants and Catholics now key for both presidential campaigns.

Top Story June 17, 2024

Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
It’s okay to mourn what’s lost without losing hope for what’s to come.

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