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From Holistic Health to a Holistic Gospel
Wellness culture has infiltrated the church. Scripture casts a different vision.
This Is Not the Most Important Election of Our Lives
Michael Wear, founder of the Center for Christianity and Public Life, on the state of American politics, what’s at stake in the midterms, and the temptation to “ultimatize” our issues.
Pro-Life Black Christians Don’t Focus on Abortion Alone
Overturning Roe v. Wade draws attention to what they’ve known all along: There’s much more to upholding life than banning abortion.
The Powerful Legacy of Paul Farmer and What He Can Teach Us
The global health world lost its version of Stephen Curry this week. Learn more about his life and how it can inspire your humanitarian journey.
3 Things Preventing Your Church Members from Accessing Mental Health Care
One in five adults struggle with mental illness—but the majority aren’t receiving treatment. Why?
CultivatedEpisode 7|38min
Cultivated: Ross Mason on Innovation, Risk, and Recovery
A cervical spine injury led to paralysis, but it’s also inspired groundbreaking work in health care.
Health Care Sharing Ministries Fight for Legitimacy Amid Lawsuits
Regulators aim to prevent another Trinity HealthShare scam. But ministries plan to do it themselves.
Christians Invented Health Insurance. Can They Make Something Better?
How to heal a medical system that abandons the vulnerable.
Our November Issue: An Ocean of Need
How can we care for the sick when we don’t have the cash?
After Stillbirth, Families Search for Dignity
A growing industry in perinatal care allows parents a proper goodbye.
New HHS Rule Protects Pro-Life Health Care Workers
UPDATE: Under Trump, federal policy keeps shifting away from abortion rights in favor of religious conscience protections.
Is Your Notion of Human Dignity Too Narrow?
Why “life issues” aren’t the only issues that pivot on what it means to bear God’s image.
Trump Exempts Religious Employers from Birth Control Coverage
Unlike Obamacare mandate, new regulations protect moral or religious objections.
Tim Kaine: We Need All Parts of the Body to Fix Health Care
The Corinthian church reminds us that Democrats and Republicans must work together to care for the least of these.
After 50 Years in a Wheelchair, I Still Walk with Jesus
On the anniversary of her accident, Joni Eareckson Tada reflects on God’s faithfulness.
Leaked Trump Rule: Any Religious Employer Can Opt Out of Contraception Coverage
Draft broadens exemptions to controversial Obamacare mandate. But Little Sisters will still sue.
Trump Continues Contraceptive Fight; Sanders Defends Pro-Life Democrats
The political lines on abortion blurred (a bit) this week.
Bearing Burdens After Obamacare
The future of Christian health care sharing.
This Unpaid Pensions Case Could Crush Christian Hospitals
Supreme Court will decide if religious organizations qualify for IRS church exemption.

Top Story June 17, 2024

Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
It’s okay to mourn what’s lost without losing hope for what’s to come.

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