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Підкріплюючий подих Бога
Як лікарка, я бачила безліч перших і останніх подихів. Як християнка, я постійно пам'ятаю, що Бог вдихає в нас життя Своїм Духом.
Подкрепляющее дыхание Бога
Как врач, я видела бесчисленное множество первых и последних вдохов. Как христианка, я постоянно помню о том, что Бог вдыхает в нас жизнь Своим Духом.
Roh Kudus dalam Kisah Para Rasul dan Surat-surat Para Rasul
Menyelidiki ajaran tentang hubungan Roh Kudus dengan Kitab Suci, Kristus, dan orang-orang kudus.
Don’t Skip Chronicles in Your Bible Reading Plan
What we can learn from the chronicler’s stories about the kings of Israel.
The Sustaining Breath of God
As a physician, I witness countless first and last breaths. As a Christian, I am constantly reminded of how God breathes life into us through his Spirit.
Praying in the Shadow of Gethsemane
What Jesus’ midnight prayer in the garden tells us about cosmic conflict in the supernatural realm.
O Ye of Overconfident Faith
Like the disciples, we need to learn the difference between trust in Jesus and spiritual cockiness.
Kafanızın İçinde Sıkışıp Kalan Kutsal Ses
Akılda kalıcı şarkılara bayılırız. Tanrı da onları çok sever.
The Holy Sound Stuck Inside Your Head
We love a catchy song. God does too.
A Call to ‘Wake Up’ 50 Years After Malaysia’s Bario Revival
A revival spread in a small tribal village in 1973. Its impact is still being felt today.
Quand la « culture de la pureté » détourne de la foi en Christ
Dans ses récentes mémoires, Shannon Harris fait entendre sa version du célèbre J’ai tourné le dos au flirt. Elle promeut également un évangile bien différent de celui de Christ.
Que os reformados do Senhor digam não ao cessacionismo
A descrença na obra miraculosa do Espírito está ganhando espaço em alguns círculos cristãos, mas está travando uma batalha perdida.
The Russell Moore ShowEpisode 78|50min
Christine Caine Tells Me Where I’m Wrong on the Holy Spirit
The author, speaker, and nonprofit founder speaks to the supernatural.
Let the Reformed of the Lord Say No to Cessationism
Disbelief in the Spirit’s miraculous work is gaining ground in some Christian circles, but it’s fighting a losing battle.
Shannon Harris Wasn’t Content with Being a Purity Culture Stagehand
Her new memoir brings her voice into the story of "I Kissed Dating Goodbye." It also brings in an entirely different gospel.
How Asbury Marketing Navigated the Potential Pitfalls of Revival Fame
“This was not ours. And we don’t take credit.”
The Two Holy Ghostwriters Behind American Christianity’s Charismatic Turn
Church life was booming in the 1950s. But where was the Spirit?
Le pouvoir formateur de la honte
La honte selon Dieu ouvre nos cœurs à l’œuvre transformatrice de l’Esprit.

Top Story June 17, 2024

Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
It’s okay to mourn what’s lost without losing hope for what’s to come.

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