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Of Orphanages and Armies
My Russian-born son enlisting reminded me of my identity in Christ.
Christians Welcome Coup in Guinea
After yet another military overthrow of a democratically elected leader in West Africa, minority evangelicals debate the role of faith in politics.
Where Ya From?Episode 2|55min
‘You Were Born for This’ with Ambassador Sujay Johnson Cook
This episode teaches us to revel in the idea of “being born for this” and to take charge of our opportunities with a great conversation with Ambassador Sujay Johnson Cook.
L’intervention en Afghanistan : succès ou gâchis ?
Alors que le monde entier débat du retrait des États-Unis, 15 personnalités réfléchissent à la manière d’appliquer leur foi à ce qui s’est passé, et à ce qui suivra.
¿Afganistán valió la pena o fue en vano? Los cristianos se lamentan, oran y aprenden mientras los talibanes retoman el poder
Mientras el mundo debate sobre la retirada de Estados Unidos, quince líderes reflexionan sobre cómo están usando su fe para entender cuál es la mejor manera de abogar por la justicia en el presente.
Quick To ListenEpisode 277|41min
‘My Heart Is Broken’: An Afghan Pastor Grapples with the US Withdrawal
America’s departure and the Taliban’s ascent is forcing Christians out of the country.
Was Afghanistan Worthwhile or Wasted? Christians Lament, Pray, and Learn as Taliban Retakes Control
As the world debates the US withdrawal, 15 leaders reflect on how they are applying their faith to understand how to best advocate for justice in the aftermath.
Burkina Faso’s 7 Army Chaplains Struggle Amid Jihadist Attacks
Once considered a beacon of peaceful coexistence between Christians and Muslims, the West African nation has been embroiled in unprecedented extremist violence.
Bible Readers in Foxholes: Combat Vets More Engaged in Scripture
The most popular topics for military Bible study are suffering, hopelessness, and loneliness.
Military Ministries Prepare for Potential US Troop Withdrawal From Germany
Trump plan creates uncertainty for evangelical churches serving soldiers—and new opportunities.
Now Is the Time to Think About Nuclear Weapons
Pope Francis condemns deterrence and the New START Treaty is set to expire. Where should Protestants stand?
They’re Not From the US. But They’re Ministering to the Nation’s Soldiers
Foreign-born chaplains serve growing diversity in American military.
Blessed Be the Nukes? Russian Orthodox Recommends End to Ritual for Missiles
A country where the nuclear arsenal has its own patron saint considers a shift to sanctify soldiers rather than weapons of mass destruction.
VA Hospitals Can Distribute, Display Bibles Under Revised Policy
After a legal fight over a POW/MIA table, Veterans Affairs clarifies religious liberty protections.
A Time for War and a Time for Peace
Evangelical attitudes on foreign policy are more complicated than the warmonger stereotype suggests.
Philippine Church Hasn’t Heard These Bells on Christmas Day for 117 Years
Catholics celebrate the return of religious artifacts taken by US soldiers as spoils of war.
Even for Christian Combat Veterans, No Easy Answers
What two recent films get right, and what they miss.

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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