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Four-Star General: Military More Cautious About Faith
General Roger Brady (USAF, Ret.) thinks soldiers are becoming more religious but the armed forces are more uncertain about religious expression.
Rumors of AI Wars: Where Google and the Bible Agree
An understanding of human dignity and responsibility belongs in the development of artificial intelligence for military uses.
Memorial Day: For What Shall We Live?
Whether we wear a uniform or not, we all have sacrificial service to offer.
Why I’ve Spent Half My Life Helping North Korea
Despite political and military tensions in the region, the director of Christian Friends of Korea is committed to medical ministry.
For Veterans Day: The Top Reasons Soldiers Turn to Scripture
Two-thirds of military believe Bible contains everything needed to live a meaningful life.
How God Sent His Word to An Iraqi Interpreter
I saw an American soldier reading his Bible, and I wanted to know more.
Why the US Military Wants Fewer Generic Christians
Department of Defense now recognizes 216 religions.
The Invisible Americans in ‘Served Like a Girl’ and ‘The Work’
New documentaries profile the easily overlooked experiences of female veterans and male convicts.
Continue to Ponder Christian Soldiers
Our series covered a lot of ground, but we didn't hear from everyone affected by war.
How Patriotic Church Services Misunderstand the Military
They sing anthems that reverence God and country, but speak little of the lived experiences of veterans.
Why I'm Not a Conscientious Objector
I can't condemn war in the way my Anabaptist friends so quickly do.
What Jesus Said to Me After the Suicide Bombing
Our Savior knows what it's like to have people want to take your life.
Formed by War
Combat wounds the soul, but the gospel offers hope.
Jesus Is Better Than War
The testimony of a former anti-Muslim combat junkie.
7 Practical Things the Church Can Do for Veterans
How spiritual communities can tend the hurting souls of veterans.
Onward 'Christian Soldiers': First American Volunteer Dies Fighting ISIS
Some of the foreign fighters flocking to Iraq and Syria are taking the side of persecuted Christians.
Atheists Outnumber Southern Baptists in US Military
Yet Southern Baptists still provide by far the most chaplains.
Military Wife Confessions: What Happens When You Can’t Plan for Anything
The practical struggle and spiritual lessons of living an unpredictable life.
Why Torture Is a Complete Failure
Former war crimes prosecutor: Legally, morally, and practically, ‘enhanced interrogation’ does not work.
Can Wheaton College Require ROTC Program Be Run By Christians?
US Army reviews nationwide policy for ROTC profs, who are paid by military but work as full-time faculty.

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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