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Why Many Colombian Protestants Opposed Peace with FARC Fighters
Three seminary leaders explain how believers balanced justice vs. grace.
Fighting with My Husband and the Work of Shalom
Do I proclaim radical love for the world even as I neglect to care for those closest to me?
How Sewing Saved My Sanity
I took up quilting as a hobby. I had no idea it would become a tool for soul care.
How a Chicago Pastor Helped Rival Gangs Make Peace
After a neighborhood shooting left a toddler paralyzed, Corey Brooks knew it was time for the church to take action.
Q+A: Why Letting the Dishes Go Can Save Your Soul
In her latest book, Shauna Niequist trades “competition, comparison, and exhaustion for meaning, connection, and unconditional love."
Why Adult Coloring Works for Christians
I mocked the coloring book trend, until I discovered it for myself.
Reading Esther in the Shadow of ISIS
A Jewish philosopher’s perspective on how God delivers his people from radical evil.
How Should Christians Disagree? Messianic Jews and Palestinian Christians Try a New Model
Joint statement by believers in Israel and Palestine is a small but hopeful step toward peace.
The Shalom of Neurochemistry
Oxytocin rewards us for human connection.
A Pacifism for the Whole Church
Whatever your stance on war, Ron Sider’s defense of nonviolence can open your imagination to new possibilities for promoting peace.
The Gospel We Preach Determines The Churches That Exist
Why does the gospel preached in America produce homogeneous churches?
Peace Is Not the Absence of Problems
God uses every circumstance to shape us into the image of Christ.
A Church that Hears Us
When women cry for peace, we can at least be the ones to listen.
PC(USA) Divests From Some Israeli Holdings. Does It Matter?
(UPDATED) The divestment of the 1.8 million-member denomination may have symbolic power, but how much?
A Nelson Mandela Inspired Fantasy
What if evangelical leaders were to imitate the great South African—Yikes!
Why We Need JFK's Peace Legacy
What Christians can learn from the president's foreign policy achievement of 1963.
What Does it Mean to Be Healthy? John Swinton on Down Syndrome, Shalom, and Medicine
Professor John Swinton "The most hedonistic, intellectually astute athlete can be ill and in need of healing (restoration to right relationship with God) and the most deeply impaired individuals can be healthy and indeed beautiful."
A Few Thoughts on the Bioethics of Space Cowboys
Blogger David Zahl considers pop culture and curing Down syndrome: "In addition to scientists and parents, priests and politicians, we would do well to consult our storytellers and poets, to examine not only our conscience but our imagination as well."
Peace Between Israelis and Palestinians—Really?
Why I refuse to be cynical about the current talks.
Quote of the Week: Anne Lamott

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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