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数以万计的牧师想辞职,但还没有。 这对他们有什么影响?
數以萬計的牧師想辭職,但還沒有。 這對他們有什麼影響?
Viral JesusEpisode 33|43min
Karen Swallow Prior: The Work Is the Platform - Part II
How a platform is different from a calling.
Nos Églises sont pleines de prédicateurs vidés
Des dizaines de milliers de pasteurs ont envisagé de démissionner, mais ne l’ont pas fait. Quelles conséquences cela pourrait-il avoir pour les communautés ?
The Market Value of a Proverbs 31 Mother
Scripture attests that the contributions of motherhood to our society extend far beyond the home.
Our Pulpits Are Full of Empty Preachers
Tens of thousands of pastors want to quit but haven’t. What has that done to them?
The Gods of ‘Techtopia’ Giveth, and They Taketh Away
Silicon Valley showers its workers with “spiritual” perks, but only at the cost of absolute devotion.
Wondering about Sponsoring a Refugee? Here’s How It Worked for One Volunteer
A Wheaton College Humanitarian & Disaster Leadership student shares her experience welcoming Afghan refugees.
The Booze-Filled Business Trip That Made Me a Christian
I was on the verge of making a fortune, but I couldn’t stop dwelling on a conversation about religion.
At the CDC and Emory, Christians Live Out Dual Callings During the Pandemic
COVID-19 fatigue has strengthened and challenged the faith of public health and hospital workers in Atlanta.
Where Ya From?Episode 17
The Bible and Social Justice with Esau McCaulley
If you love something, you have to be willing to put in the work.
The Big Quit Hits Homeless Ministries
They never stopped serving on the frontlines, but now short-staffed nonprofits are struggling to compete with flexible, virtual work that took off during the pandemic.
Amazon Primes a Sunday Work Dilemma
With two delivery drivers suing over schedules, Sabbatarian Christians find their observance increasingly countercultural in a 24/7 economy.
Pentecostal Nurse Who Refused to Wear Scrub Pants Wins $75K Settlement
After being sued for religious discrimination, the health care provider who rescinded her job offer agreed to provide back pay and damages.
Worship Leaders Hit with Pandemic Burnout
Music ministry has always been demanding, but the past two years have made it unsustainable for some.
Los pastores no están bien: el 38 % ha considerado dejar el ministerio
A medida que avanza la pandemia, el agotamiento continúa pasando factura a los líderes de la iglesia.
13 CT News Stories That Made Us Happy in 2021
It was another hard year on many fronts, but it wasn’t all bad news.
Trucker Ministry Continues Amid Holiday Hustle and Bustle
While headlines warn of a driver shortage and supply chain crisis, chaplains say the demands of the industry have always been arduous.
Commérage ou dénonciation d’abus ?
Nos langues seraient-elles parfois trop retenues ? Dans la lutte contre certains abus, des chrétiens s’emploient à retrouver une distinction biblique entre commérages malfaisants et saine critique.
My Boss Is a Jewish Construction Worker
Our popular imagining of Christ as a woodworker obscures a richer story.

Top Story June 15, 2024

Paternity Leave Made Me a Better Christian Dad
Paternity Leave Made Me a Better Christian Dad
Time off at the very beginning helps fathers prepare to bring up their children in the “discipline and instruction of the Lord.”

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