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The Pastors Aren’t All Right: 38% Consider Leaving Ministry
As the pandemic has gone on, burnout continues to take its toll on church leaders.
Seminaries, Ministries Resume Lawsuits to Block Biden Vaccine Mandate
UPDATE: Southern Seminary and Asbury Seminary are among large Christian employers arguing that the requirement represents government overreach and a First Amendment violation.
Ministries Help Job Seekers Find a Paycheck with a Purpose
After losing shift work and blue collar jobs during shutdowns, Christians are thinking more carefully about the work of their hands as they reenter the marketplace.
Christians Shouldn’t Need a Mandate to Provide Paid Family Leave
There are clear, pro-life reasons why mothers and fathers need time with new babies.
Why LuLaRoe Belongs in the Faith and Work Conversation
Multilevel marketing isn’t a hobby. And its workers need discipleship.
Religious Exemption Requests Spike as Employers Mandate Vaccine
Some white evangelicals, the faith group most likely to refuse to get the shot, join thousands in citing “sincerely held” religious beliefs.
Quick To ListenEpisode 278|38min
Is the Quest for ‘Meaningful Work’ a Scam?
People are quitting their jobs in droves. Should Christian faith compel them to stay?
New IVP Head Wants to Help More Diverse Readers Believe
Publishing veteran Terumi Echols named the next president of the 75-year-old evangelical book publisher.
What Happens in Left-Behind Places Doesn’t Stay in Left-Behind Places
Our “culture of transience” has far-reaching social and economic costs—and some that are harder to quantify.
Por qué definir el chisme es importante en la respuesta de la Iglesia contra el abuso
¿Hemos domesticado demasiado la lengua? Los cristianos se esfuerzan por recuperar una comprensión bíblica de la crítica saludable en contraposición a los rumores dañinos.
Mengapa Mendefinisikan Gosip menjadi Penting dalam Tanggapan Gereja terhadap Pelecehan?
Apakah kita terlalu menahan perkataan kita? Usaha orang-orang Kristen untuk memulihkan pemahaman alkitabiah tentang desas-desus yang berbahaya versus kritik yang membangun.
The Challenge of Being a Faithful Boss When a Pandemic Nearly Kills Your Industry
A Christian restauranteur relies on God while navigating his first major layoffs, angry customers, closures, and the continued challenges brought on by COVID-19.
Quick To ListenEpisode 263|56min
Should Christians Cheer Biden’s Plan for Families?
A new proposal would mandate paid parental leave, provide universal pre-K, and help with childcare costs for low-income families.
Dave Ramsey’s Bestseller Slips from Top 10 List
Sales of “The Total Money Makeover” suffer after reports of abusive workplace.
Why Defining Gossip Matters in the Church’s Response to Abuse
Have we tamed the tongue too much? Christians work to recover a biblical understanding of harmful hearsay vs. healthy criticism.
Religious Discrimination Complaints Hit 10-Year Low
Workplace accommodation issues persist for Apostolic Pentecostals, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Muslims, and others.
Michael Lindsay: Our Lives Are Full of ‘Hinge Moments.’ Here’s How We Can Pray and Prepare.
The incoming Taylor University president outlines a faith-filled, Spirit-guided approach to life’s biggest transitions.
Prison Fellowship Sells Colson’s Campus to Alliance Defending Freedom
COVID-19 accelerates ministry moves and shifts work arrangements.
CultivatedEpisode 14|39min
How Habit Is the Backdoor for Faith
Jen Pollock Michel talks about finding a vocation in writing and describes how her new book invites readers to explore Christianity through intentional practices.
CultivatedEpisode 8|39min
Podcast: Suffering, Healing, and Singing
Disillusionment and pain left her reeling after divorce. But Latifah Alattas found her voice again and kept making music.

Top Story June 15, 2024

Paternity Leave Made Me a Better Christian Dad
Paternity Leave Made Me a Better Christian Dad
Time off at the very beginning helps fathers prepare to bring up their children in the “discipline and instruction of the Lord.”

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