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On Israel, Most Hispanic Christians Are Ambivalent
Survey finds efforts to diversify Christian Zionism have a ways to go.
Immigrants Are Reshaping American Missions
Latino congregations are launching their own international partnerships to support ministries and churches in their homelands.
Surprised? Latinos Care More about Education than Immigration
Hispanic adults long for excellent neighborhood schools that offer all children access to quality education.
Trump’s Policies Are Keeping Hispanics Away from Church
Pew finds fear even among 7 in 10 Christian green card holders.
Half of Hispanic Christians Worry About Deportation Under Trump
Pew: Latino Protestants most likely to rate Trump a ‘terrible’ president.
Five 'Greats' for Leaders of Hispanic Churches
Don’t give in to the lie that your congregation cannot do great things for God.
Why Neither Candidate Has Hispanic Christians Convinced This Election
Leading evangelical explains how both Trump and Clinton fall short.
Grieving Together: How Orlando's Hispanic Evangelicals Are Reaching Out
A local pastor shares on-the-ground efforts to pray for, comfort, and serve their LGBT neighbors.
Quick To ListenEpisode 13|29min
Actually Trump, All Americans Bring Their Culture to Their Jobs
Gabriel Salguero and Alma Zaragoza-Petty on the genesis of our identities and what it means to be an American.
Should More US Churches Host Mandarin-Language Services?
China has overtaken Mexico as the No. 1 sender of legal immigrants to America.
The Data Don’t Lie: Couples That Pray Together Actually Do Stay Together
And other key findings from new major research on minority US families.
No More All-White Conference Lineups
#SpeakersofColor share their tips for ensuring diversity.
The Latino Protestants In Our Backyards
The church has the chance to learn from our immigrant neighbors.
The Attempt to Sell Hispanic Evangelicals on Israel
At NHCLC convention, Jeb Bush gets more applause on Zionism than immigration or Spanish.
Go Where People Are Hurting
Noel Castellanos reflects on a career ministering to outsiders.
Death Penalty Repeal Gains Support from Latino Evangelical Coalition
Leaders say 'death penalty is plagued by racial and economic disparities.'
On These Tamales, I Will Build My Church
Celebrating the gifts Christian women bring to the table.
Latina, Pentecostal, and College-Bound
How the church stands to benefit from rising educational attainment.
Segregated Surveys: How Politics Keeps Evangelicals White
You can disbelieve in God, never go to church, and still identify as "evangelical" in most polls. But if you're black and evangelical, you literally don't count.
Hope for More Diverse Conference Lineups
How our exposure to minority voices can lead to greater shifts in the church.

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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