
The Key to Making a Difference in the World
Key speakers at the famous conference seem to agree.
Saved by U2 and an Audible Voice
God wasn’t on my to-do list. He showed up anyway.
It's Time to Talk about Power
How to recognize and use the gift that most eludes the church.
The Beauty of Trauma
When the prospect of death comes close, we learn that life is precious.
Hot and Holy
Why the ultimate purpose of sex is bringing Glory to God.
What It Feels Like to Be a Christian
Francis Spufford describes to outsiders where we're coming from.
The Glory of the Cross
How God's power is made perfect in weakness.
The Manly Christian Pacifist
Meet the gun-loving, red meat–eating evangelical whose reading of Scripture persuaded him to embrace nonviolence.
Sarah Young Still Hears Jesus Calling
Not since “My Utmost for His Highest” has a daily devotional enraptured the English-speaking world, from cynical intellectuals to sweet grandmas, across the theological spectrum. How Young might change how we think about prayer.
Where Did We Come From?
How Milton, Paley, and Darwin help us answer the question.
A Good Story Needs More than Good Answers
Trevin Wax's tale of a doubting young man goes heavy on theology, but light on character development.
Future D.C. Bible Museum Gets a Major Historic Find
Green Collection reveals first of four big discoveries.
Kevin DeYoung Has a Busyness Problem, and He Needs Help
That’s why the popular pastor wrote a book about staying God-centered amid the whirl of life’s demands.
Beware of Baby Envy
Since biblical times, women have struggled to rejoice at another’s pregnancy.
Prodigal Love: What to Do When Family or Friends Have Rejected Jesus
As we watch family and friends leave the faith, do we look more like the elder brother, the father—or the younger son?
What You Should Know About the Pope's New Interview
Francis’s comments weren’t just about abortion and gay marriage.
How to Get Out of Hipsterville
The value of knowing neighbors who don't drink the same coffee.
The Psychology of Happiness
Even happiness research struggles to get us to the good life.
Remembering Robert Farrar Capon
The Episcopal priest and author died last week at age 88.
Why We Need Small Towns
And how they correct the supersized spirituality of evangelicals.

Top Story June 17, 2024

Died: Disgraced Southern Baptist Leader Paul Pressler
Died: Disgraced Southern Baptist Leader Paul Pressler
The Texas judge behind the political strategy for the “conservative resurgence” molested and assaulted teenage boys, according to allegations eight men made in court.

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